The Slug Club + Author Note

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Arianna's POV

It was our next Hogsmeade visit and I was actually hanging out with Hermione, Harry and Ron. We all went to the three broomsticks and Harry went and ordered us all a butterbeer. We all were waiting for our drinks when Professor Slughorn came into the place.

"Oh no," Ron moaned. "What is he doing here?"

"Be quiet, Ron." Hermione admonished. "He could be just here like us, getting a drink."

"Mione -" I started. "I don't think so. Look, he's walking here."

Sure enough, he was walking towards us with a smile on his face. "Harry, my boy!" He bellowed.

"Whoops." I said, drinking my butterbeer while Ron started snickering.

"Good morning, sir!" Harry said, a fake smile on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, The three broomsticks and I go way back. I remember when it was only called one broomstick!" He said, jovially.

"Say," he continued. "You wouldn't happen to be free today, would you?"

"I'm free sir." Harry said.

"Good." He continued. "I'm have a get together for a select student, or three. Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"

"Absolutely, sir." Harry answered back.

"Good, good." He said and then he saw us as well. "Oh, Arianna! And Miss. Granger. you are welcome to join us as well."

"I would be delighted to." I answered back.

"It would be my pleasure to attend." Mione answered.

"Excellent! Excuse me now, I must be going. Good day, Wallenby." He took his drink and went out of the shack.

"What the bloody he'll are you playing at, Harry?" Ron asked. "Dinner with the old toad?"

"Dumbledore told me to." Harry answered back, sipping his drink.

"When did Dumbledore tell you?" I asked, holding my drink.

"You weren't there." Harry answered back.

"Speaking of that, What's been with you?" Ron asked, turning on me.

"What?" I asked, sipping my drink.

"You're never there," Ron continued. "What's going on?"

"Is it wrong to have other friends?" I answered back, laughing.

"It's wrong to ignore your friends." Hermione butted in.

"When have I ignored you?" I asked, bewildered. "Never mind, you would think of instances. What's so wrong in not talking to you for a day or two?"

"It's not wrong," Hermione said.

"What's the problem then?" I asked.

"The problem is who you're hanging out with." Harry said.

"The Slytherins?" I asked. "Come on, now you're going to restrict me to who I talk to?"

"No but - " Hermione said, nervously.

"Then stop saying anything." I was frustrated and angry now. For days, Draco and I had been going at the vanishing cabinet, with absolutely no luck. I usually worked off my frustration with Blaise, having sex. That usually made him remark that I was and I quote 'One of the best girls' he had sex with. But this, accusing me of hanging out with the wrong people was absurd and false. Just because Harry thought Draco was following The Dark Lord - which he's right about, for once - that would not give him any leeway to talk shit about Draco.

"Look, don't worry about me. Worry about what's going to happen to you. I'm not wanted by Voldemort - Hermione and Ron flinched - you are. So just stop." After I said that, I got up, and went to the counter to pay for my drink. After that, I walked out of the shack, not wanting to be with them any longer.

Hermione's POV

"What just happened?" Ron asked, bewildered.

"I have no clue." I answered back, just as stunned as Harry and Ron were.

Blaise's POV

Me and Draco were in the common room, just staring at the fire. Today was Hogsmeade, but Draco didn't want to go, and I didn't force him to. Instead I stayed back with him.

"Do you know what it feels like?" Draco asked.

"What feels like?" I asked softly.

"The burden." He asked back.

"No, I wouldn't understand. I could if you tell me." I pushed, hoping he would tell me something, anything. He had been depressed from the starting of the year, and I needed to figure out why. He wasn't depressed at all during the years before.

"You shouldn't know." Draco looked at me for a second and turned his head back towards the fire.

I have to know.

Arianna's POV
(Later that evening)

As i was getting ready i had only one thing on my mind, sexy. Dress sexy, nail Blaise and sleep without any nightmares. But I had to dress a little conservatory as well. I was doing my makeup right now. I went with the natural look but with the addition of smokey eyes and red lipstick. I felt that that just lifted the whole look. I was wearing black lingerie and looking into my cupboard for a good dress. Hermione had gone down already and everybody was down eating in the Great Hall. Arriving late now. I found a off the shoulder black dress with a goldish strap. Conservative for a dinner as well as part sexy. Would do. I quickly changed into it and wore my heels, which were plain black ones. I didn't take my wand as there was no place to keep it at all. I rushed out of my dorm, being careful to not mess up my look.

As I reached the Potions corridor, I could hear the chatter of people. I knocked on the door and well, it swung open. As soon as I entered, all chatter stopped. All of them were looking at me and even the Professor had stopped talking. "Ah, Arianna! Come in, my dear you're looking marvelous, have the power of to make everyone to stop and look at you, just like your father. Come on in."

I walked in and found that there was one place to sit, next to Blaise and opposite Harry. Everyone was starting to get back to their own conversations and Blaise was gesturing me to come over. I swiftly walked over and sat over.

"I can't wait to peel that dress off of you." Blaise whispered in my ear and smirked. He really couldn't wait, I could tell. I kept one of my hands over his bulge and whispered in his ear, "I can't wait to have you inside off of me."

He grew very very excited at that thought that he was tapping his legs, a sure sign that he just wanted to get this dinner over with.

Opposite us, Harry was looking at us whispering in each other's ears and I knew he was bothered. All I could say was, I was so ready for tonight.

Little did I know, what Harry was planning to do.



I'm so sorry I updated late but I have a reason. My phone screen got cracked and I had to give it to the shopkeeper for repair but he's not doing it fast enough and right now I'm updating from my mom's phone. So yeah.

The next update would surely be this Friday, or this Wednesday. Not quite sure.



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