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Arianna's POV

Months had passed since I had the Dark Mark and I still carried the dread that I had the first time that I had met him. As I rose from my bed, I slowly began making my way to wash up. I wasn't like I had anything to look forward to now.

Voldemort had killed and tortured many, forcing me to do the same. I tried saving them, but they never listened to a Death Eater. Of course. The world was a dark place and I needed to save someone at least. So for the past few months, Remus and I had been meeting up. I told him the names of the people who were on Voldemort's so called "hit list" and he went and saved them. Not all were saved, but some were. For that, I felt glad.

In return, he told me about the rest. Hogwarts, The Burrow, whatever he could get. Molly was as fine as she could be and finally, people were able to tell Fred and George apart. It turns out, while getting Harry, Death Eaters had attacked him, and cursed George's ear off. Since it was dark magic, it couldn't be regrown.

Ginny was at Hogwarts, even at the severe persuasion of her parents, she had decided to go. She was so brave and selfless. She was the Gryffindor Prefect as well, with Colin as the other Prefect. They were still dating, which was perfect.

At Hogwarts, Snape became the headmaster. I can tell that I'm so glad that I didn't go back to Hogwarts this year. It would've been hell. There were two teachers appointed, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, teaching Muggle Studies and Defence Against the Dark Arts, which had been modified into the Dark Arts only. They bashed Muggles, calling them Mud bloods and filth, and they tortured first year students, sometimes asking the students to do so as well. That was just sick and wrong and I wish I had any power to change that.

Bill and Fleur had got married and as of now, lived on the beach. I didn't know the location, didn't need to. Charlie had got a new girlfriend, Rosette Delacour, one of Fleur's cousins. It also was the fact the Rosette also lived in Romania, which was so easy for Charlie.

Ron, Harry and Hermione were still on the run, I hoped that they had found at least one of the horcruxes and hopefully destroyed it. I had left sufficient clues here and there, hoping that they found them all. This was what Dumbledore had actually told me to do. Find the horcruxes and lead Harry to them. He had to be the one to destroy it, but I hadn't found Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem yet. I suspected that that was one of the horcruxes. Hopefully, Voldemort didn't know of any of this.

As I had begun to get out of the shower, there was a commotion downstairs. I began to hurry up. At the Malfoy Manor, there was hardly any commotion, even if Voldemort was present. The Snatchers must be here. They must have something worth to bring it to the Manor.

I quickly wore a dark emerald green dress with a low back and full sleeves, and pinned my hair up. In less than twenty minutes. I was getting an expert at this hairstyle.

As soon as I had finished, Aunt Cissy's voice was heard. "Arianna!" She shouted at first. "Draco!" She shouted next. "Come quick!"

As soon as we got out of our rooms, we looked at each other. Draco was here because of his winter vacations. We quickly went down and I stopped at the door, pushing him to go first.

As he went in, his footsteps ceased. Wondering what was the matter, I pushed through. I wished I hadn't, though.

In front of me, were Ron, Harry and Hermione, all held by Snatchers. Harry's face was swollen, preventing him from being recognised, which was I suspect, done by Hermione. Buying a little more time. Bellatrix was standing too, with Greyback and Scabior.

"Yes, Aunt Cissy?" I asked, clearing my throat.

As soon as I said that, heads turned. Draco widened his eyes, shaking his head, whereas all three of them widened their eyes too. "Tell me," Aunt Cissy said, pulling me to their faces. "Is it Harry Potter?"

The best thing would be to lie, as Draco had done, I'm very sure. So I did.

"I'm not sure, but I think so." I said, taking a closer look at his face and then moving back. "We should be sure that this is Harry Potter though. How did they get here?"

"They said His name, My Lady." Scabior said, whilst holding up a sword. "We found this along with the girl."

My eyes widened. The sword of Godric Gryffindor, they had found it. Hermione, you are so stupid to have been carrying that with you! I think Bellatrix realised it too, because her eyes widened as well and she grabbed it.

"Where did you get this?" She snarled at Hermione. Now was the time to make it slip that she had the same sword in the vault, along with one of the horcruxes.

"Why would you care for it?" I lightly asked, walking closer and taking the sword from her, surprisingly she let me. "Unless it were yours?"

"Of course, it is mine!" She raged as I turned towards them. "It should be in my vault right now!" She said.

I smirked, she fell for it. "You know what, throw the boys in the dungeon with the rest, I need to question the girl." She said, taking her wand out.

"I'll take them," I said, pulling Ron and Harry.

"Do that." Bellatrix said.

I pushed Ron and Harry hard towards the dungeons, had to make then believe that I truly hated them. Once I went out of earshot and sight, I stopped.

"Why have we stopped, Black?" Ron asked.

"Stop it. I want to help you guys. I would call Dobby, rescue Luna and Mr. Ollivanders with Griphook after I'm gone, and save Hermione and get out of here." I said, leading them to the dungeons.

"Wait, Dobby?" Harry asked, confused. "How would you call him?"

"I pay him," I said, unlocking the door. "Get in."

As soon as I got in, I called Dobby. He apparated, with a slight pop and I looked at them both. "I've missed you, you know?"

I didn't wait for their answer. I knew that they were confused, and didn't know what to do. All that matters right now is saving as many lives as possible and letting good triumph over evil. As they fought, I didn't take part much. I let them get away. I thought I was getting my humanity back, by helping them. I thought that by saving them, I would have some peace at night. But my hopes were destroyed.

As they were leaving, Bellatrix threw a knife at them. A perfectly good shot, which I knew would kill him. Dobby. While Harry got to see Dobby in his last breath, I was at Malfoy Manor, crying over a house elf. In truth, he had helped me in Dumbledore's mission. He had saved my life, and instead, I kill him.

It is true what they say.

I am a killer now.



Yes, I know that I didn't update yesterday, but in my defense, I was on a short family trip, to Agra! There we saw the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri and it was so so beautiful! The Mughals are great when it comes to architecture.


As soon as I came back, I typed up this chapter for you.








Love you,




Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now