What happened to you?

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I was never the one to get emotionally attached to people.. Until he came along..

Loki Laufeyson. The one person who understood me. He gave me space and time when I needed it and comforted me when I felt low. We were the best of friends and an amazing couple. He knew how to read me like a book, he communicated with me and helped me through whatever troubles I had. But he was stubborn... so, so stubborn.

"Where is he??" I asked frustrated, tears slowly welling in my eyes as I paced around the room of pitiful people.

"He was supposed to be back two days ago... we sent people out to find him but there has been no luck..." Steve spoke softly. I shook my head vigorously, tears slowly rolling from my eyes and down my cheeks

The room was pin silent... the crushing feeling sinking down on me, restricting my breathing. My body was shaking and my mind was screaming at me.

Loki was sent out on a mission a week ago... it was only supposed to take a week, he was supposed to be here the day before yesterday, yet he wasn't. We tried contacting him but there was no reply. Tracking him also didn't work and now we have no other form of contact with him. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He shouldn't have gone on that mission in the first place, but he felt the need to redeem himself to the team.

I tried convincing him not to... I did, I really did. But he did it anyway...

"Then get more people to go look! We need to find him. I have to." I said finally, my arms wrapping around my stomach as I tried to catch my breath. Tony looked at me with sad eyes, removing his glasses as he leaned for back, looking back at the huge screen. I felt my soul shatter as a look passed through each of their faces. The look I hated deeply.

They were giving up... they were giving up on finding Loki...

"Fine. I'll do it myself." I said under my breath, turning to walk away. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up, seeing Natasha, she had a small smile on her face as she looked at me

"I'm here if you need an assassin. You'll find him. And when you do, we'll be there in a blink of an eye, no matter what those fools say." She told me, I smiled at her and nodded my head, walking away and to my room. I changed into my suit and loaded a few guns, strapping a dagger to my thigh also. I walked out the compound and to one of the jets, getting in and starting it up

I flew to Loki's last seen location, lowering the jet and putting it in camouflage mode. I walked out and crept around the wooden area, trees surrounding me and birds singing in their nest. I was careful not to step on any branches or loose twigs.

An old, abandoned shack came into view, I snooped around quietly, my eyes catching the sight of green silk... I moved towards it slowly, my heart beating loud in my ears and my breathing shallow. His cape was hooked to a tree, as if he was running and it got lodged in the branch.. It was ripped slightly and dirty. I grabbed it and ran my thumb against the smooth fabric. I wrapped the cloth around my bicep as I continued walking in the direction he would've ran off to.

I trudged over the leaves and sticks, keeping an eye out for any more clues as to where Loki might've went. My body tensed as I felt eyes on me, watching my every move. I looked over my shoulder and scanned the trees, seeing nothing I continued walking, the feeling still lingering, making me feel anxious

I walked for a few more minutes, stopping when I saw another old, abandoned barn-like structure. Before I could take another step towards the building, my name was called from behind me. The familiar accent making me whip around quickly

I looked in the direction of the voice, my heart stopping and leaping. I felt like I was finally able to breath properly now

"Babe! I'm here, you found me!" Loki said as he came from behind a tree, a wide grin on his bruised and cut face, the paleness of his skin was no longer there, the sun must've had a toll on him. I took a step towards him with a wide smile on my own face, relief evident in my eyes

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