What's happening pt 2

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"Get on your knees and beg properly."

I pulled away from her, staring at her. Her words rang through my ears, making me let go of her.

"I'm not that desperate, angel." I glare at her. She stands up and smiles at me, shrugging her shoulders and walking away. She walks over to the fruit bowl and pops a berry in her mouth before grabbing a small knife.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get some rest. And you are disturbing my peace." She sighs, using the tip of her blade to clean beneath her fingernails. I smirk softly and sit back down on the bed.

"Or, we can both be adults and sleep in the same bed." I offer. My body was tensed and in need of a release, but the last thing I'd do is take advantage of the situation.

"Yeah right. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that trick. You're also the god of lies, remember? I can't trust you even with my dead corpse." She glares at me. I felt anger flush over me, the mere thought that she expects me to take advantage of her when she's dead to the world made my nerves flare. I stand and stalk towards her, grabbing her face in my hand, her blade immediately pressing to my stomach.

"I may be the god of lies but I'm sure as hell no rapist. And you can get that thought out of your mind too." I glower, she searches my eyes for any lies. Seeing none, she removes her blade from my stomach, dragging it up to hook under the latch of my torn cape.

"You played dirty in battle today. Made me scrape my knees. How rude." She taunts. I look at her in confusion, dropping my hand from her face. Was she seriously flirting with me? I feel my cape unlatch, dropping from my shoulder. She moves to the other one, her eyes trained on me.

"What are you doing?" I narrow my eyes at her, trying to read her mind. She had her whole brain locked away, refusing me access. I couldn't find any cracks or slits in her shields.

"I'm not doing anything." She shrugs. That's when I realized... my cape was still on. I blink rapidly, stepping back. I grab my cape in my hand, feeling the silk against my fingertips. What just happened?

"What did you do to me?" I hiss, drawing my blade and glaring at her. She raises her hands in surrender, watching me carefully, like a predator watching its prey.

"I didn't do anything. You ate the Blicker berries. They make people hallucinate. They look very similar to grapes. It's best to just sleep it off." She says softly, her change in attitude made my head swing.

I blinked at her and shut my eyes tightly, my vision going blurry. When I opened my eyes, I was lying in bed. She looks at me from the little chair. I jump up and grab her by the neck, gripping it tightly.

"What the hell are you doing to me?!" I shout, choking her. She grips my wrists, her face turning red from the lack of oxygen.

"Wake. Up." She grits out. I let go of her. I glare at her, looking around confused. I shut my eyes tightly, my vision going blurry. When I opened my eyes, I was lying out in a field, the sound of beasts growling and running my way made me sit up. There she was again, by my side.

"Enough games, witch!" I throw her hands off of me, pushing her harshly, and making her fall on her back. She looks at me with wide eyes.

"Well fuck you too then! Remind me not to try and help you again." She huffs. She rolls her eyes and sits up, glaring at me. "You were knocked unconscious, idiot."

"Stop lying to me. I went into this cabin in the woods, you were there, we bickered, I ate berries, and everything went on from there." I hiss, standing to my feet with my blade in my hand.

"You were knocked unconscious by one of those bastards." She points to a beast with green fangs. "That liquid that's dropping from its eyes? It makes you hallucinate. I was sent here to kill you but fuck that. Your mother pays better."

"My mother?" I glare at her in confusion. "What's happening?"

"A lot of things. Just know that right now, I'm on your side because if I don't get you to your mother alive, I'll be dead. So knock off the whole macho act and come with me." She huffs, standing to her feet.

My vision was hazy again, I blinked slowly, wanting to shut my eyes. My eyes widen when she slaps me harshly. I grab her wrist and bend it a certain way, making her cry out.

"You were gonna pass out again idiot! Let go!" She yells. I let go of her and turned to the pack of beasts that were closing in on us. I grab her wrist and run.

"Betray my trust and you'll have a blade in both eyes." I shout at her. She nods and takes the lead, guiding me through the trees until we reach some kind of ship. She opens it with her hand and ushers me to get in. I glare at her, standing in my spot. She groans and gets on first, watching me follow behind her.

I take a seat and watch her every move, my vision goes hazy again. I fight the urge to shut my eyes, but fail. When I open them, my mother was staring down at me worriedly.

"Oh thank the norns." She sighs, gently combing my hair away from my face. I look at her confusedly, looking around. I spot the woman leaning against a wall, watching me. I sit up and glare at her. "It's okay, Loki. She's not a threat."

"She poisoned me."

"For the last time, it was all a hallucination! There's no cabin in the woods. And there's no such thing as Blicker berries!" She huffed, throwing her hands up in defeat. I look at my mother and then down at myself. My wounds were wrapped and healing.

"She's right. You're just hallucinating. Sleep it off, okay? I'll be here with you." My mother says softly, placing her knuckles against my cheek, making me lean into her touch. I lay back down, groaning at the pain in my shoulder.

I closed my eyes to try and sleep, everything was running through my mind at a hundred miles an hour. Replaying everything that has happened in the last 3 hours. My mind was hazy and my body felt limp. I felt myself slowly drifting to sleep.

That's when I realized.

I never mentioned the Blicker Berries.

[My words these two oneshots SUCK. Fear not, I will be writing a much better oneshot. And it'll be smut for y'all horny bitches. Take it as an apology for basically ghosting y'all ;)]

P.S. I will publish about one or two more today because I'm almost certain that I will go ghost again for a while. But good news, my new book hit 150K!! Go read it if you haven't!

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