What's happening? pt-1

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I am SO sorry I haven't been updating. I'm currently writing a new book on @Unstablewriter17 and it's taking up my attention. (Go check it out, it's a reverse harem but not Loki sadly.)


Electro blasts and arrows flew towards us as we ran, dodging under fences, climbing trees, and jumping over tree roots. Everything was moving in a blur.

My lungs burned and my hair stuck to my face from the sweat. My armor was torn in multiple places, a gash against my shoulder and thigh. I didn't stop running.

I used as much of my powers as I could, but eventually, I became too tired to continue. Earlier in the battle, I was the only one fighting against these rabid monsters. But the sight of a woman running through the battlefield and attacking one of the monsters left me stunned.

At first, I thought she was on my side... until she charged towards me also. I grabbed her and pinned her to the ground, only rolling off of her when I realized monsters were still coming our way. We fought together, not as a team, but as two enemies with the same opponent.

Once the first wave of creatures went down, we went at each other. She managed to land a punch to my jaw, only for me to pin her to the ground. Her legs had wrapped around my hips, forcing me to the ground as she straddled me. Her fist raised to strike me again but she stopped.

She looked down at our position, no doubt feeling the hard-on against her backside. She glared at me, making me smirk. I moved my hands to her hips and pressed her against me. She shuddered for a moment before landing her elbow into my gut, standing up and staring down at me.

A growl from the horizon caught our attention. I jumped up and pushed her, making her fall to her knees. I snorted and ran further into the forest, hearing her curse me out.

Nightfall came quickly, the forest had a thin layer of fog over it. Making it hard to breathe and see. I kept my steps quiet so as to not wake anything. In the corner of my eye, I saw an orange light flicker. The familiar glow indicated fire.

Curiosity filled my veins, making me quietly tread over to where I saw it. A shack appeared in my vision, illuminated by the moonlight. It seemed abandoned.

I carefully moved around it, checking for any sign of life. When it appeared empty, I quietly slipped into the small structure. Surprisingly, it wasn't dusty. There was a dim lighting over it from the moon. There was a small bed, a chair, and a table. On the table sat a small basket filled with fruit and a jug of water.

The shack wasn't abandoned at all. It was simply unoccupied at the moment. Quickly, I turn around to leave, only for a dagger to be pressed against my neck. I hiss softly, my eyes focusing on the same woman from earlier.

"Why are you here?" She seethed, pressing the blade further into my skin. I humored her for a moment, raising my hands in mock surrender. I slowly backed up, only for her to step forward, keeping the blade against me.

"My, my. Such a feisty little thing, aren't you?" I grinned, only making her narrow her eyes. The moment she stepped into the moonlight, I was able to see every feature of hers.

Her plump lips, her gently curved nose, her eyes that pierced into mine. But in her eyes danced fear. She was acting brave, but in reality, she was a scared little thing.

"Answer my question." She hissed, making me grin. I kept stepping back until my back was nearly pressed against the wall. In a blink of an eye, I grabbed her wrist and flipped her around. Now she was against the wall with her own blade pressed to her neck, her hand still holding it.

I pouted in mock pity, looking at her with soft, amused eyes. She was breathing shallowly, knowing that if she breathed too heavily, she'd cut herself. I brushed my lips against her ear, making her huff.

"I couldn't resist a good dinner." I whisper playfully, feeling her skin go warm. I chuckle softly and pull away from her, walking towards the fruit basket and grabbing a branch of berries. I pop on in my mouth my eyes on hers.

She walked past me and lit the lamp. Standing still and watching me eat her fruit. I walk towards her, wanting to mess with her a little more. I pluck a berry off the branch and hold it to her lips, brushing it against them. She glared at me, her jaw clenching stubbornly.

I smirk and use my thumb to part her lips, pressing the berry against her teeth. A little juice came out of it, dripping from her lips to her chin. She opened her mouth and took the sweet fruit between her teeth.

I hum softly and back away from her, tempted to lick the juice off of her skin but I abstained from it.

She walked towards a small table that was connected to the wall, a rag inside a bowl of water. She took the rag and cleaned off her hands and arms, along with her face. She gestured for me to do the same, making me walk over and take the rag from her, running it over my face and neck and cleaning my hands.

"I could kill you, y'know?" She murmurs, making me chuckle and turn to her.

"And why haven't you?" I ask softly, looking at her expectantly. She swallows softly and shrugs.

"I haven't figured out how I should do it yet." She lied. I move towards the bed and lay down, sighing softly.

"Well, you don't have much inventory to kill me with so I suggest a knife in my throat as I sleep. Or if you want a more painful death, put the knife in my eye then stab me in the gut." I suggest, laying my arm under my head. I looked at her to gauge a reaction. Her shocked eyes said enough.

"You're okay with me killing you?" She asked in confusion. I laughed and sat up, looking at her with hooded eyes.

"Darling, I'm sure the only thing you will be doing tonight is anything but killing me." I tease. She huffed and sat in the little chair.

"Like what?" She asked, her voice mixed with both curiosity and irritation. I smiled and lifted my finger to my chin, fake pondering.

"I'll let you decide that." I grin, lying back down. I closed my eyes, feeling my eyelids get heavy.

"If you think I'm having sex with you, you'd be dead wrong." She huffed, crossing her arms. I smirk softly.

"Well, I'm not dead right now so that could only mean one thing." I tease. She rolls her eyes and looks away. I stand again and walk towards her, grabbing her face gently.

"What?" She glares at me. I smile softly and squish her cheeks together.

"I don't beg. But, please. One round.." I whisper against her cheek, I feel her skin get warmer beneath my touch, willing me further. My free hand rests on her hip.

"Get on your knees and beg properly."

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