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Height: 5'2"
Age: 221
Physical: skinny. Brown curly hair, piercing blue eyes, fast, cute gold glasses.
Personality: Unreasonably blunt. No filter. Quiet, but when he speaks people listen.
Class: witch
Likes: quiet, alone time, animals, nature, crystals, magic, books, tea, flowers, painting, stargazing, honey, sugar, his familiars.
Dislikes: people, loud noises, fire, meat, coffee.
Fun fact: he grows all the food he eats in his greenhouse.

Class: Cosmo's familiar.
Physical: big Maine Coon, fluffy, heavy, bright yellow eyes.
Personality: grumpy, clingy, mischievous, comforting, sweet.
Likes: Cosmo, Moose, stealing food, snuggles, blankets, sleeping.
Dislikes: new people, fire, loud noises, being away from Cosmo, kids
Fun fact: she always helps Cosmo when he's preparing spells.

Class: Cosmo's familiar.
Physical: strong, agile, light, fast when flying.
Personality: curious, loving, mischievous, intelligent
Likes: Cosmo, Truffles, trees, rocks, high places, sitting on books.
Dislikes: kids, loud noises, fire, flashing lights.
Fun fact: he gives cool rocks to people he likes.

Height: 6'4"
Age: 327
Physical: a bit skinny but it's all muscle, hair is always soft as rabbit fur, always has several silver rings on.
Personality: easygoing, chill, flirty, compassionate, calm, caring. Pro gamer 😎
Class: vampire
Likes: cats, grilled cheese, garlic, hoodies, hugs, pizza, relaxing, video games, music.
Dislikes: people touching his things, celery, onions.
Fun fact: when given the choice he will always choose to relax with his mates over everything else.

Height: 6'3"
Age: 322
Physical: strong, 6 pack, hair is always short brown and straight, tan skin.
Personality: childish, funny, not too smart, golden retriever energy.
Class: werewolf
Likes: milkshakes, pizza, ice cream, burgers, snuggles, sour candy, the beach, the sun.
Dislikes: saltwater, hotdogs, lies, heights.
Fun fact: he is an excellent chef but he cooks only for people he truly loves.

Height: 6'5"
Age: 426
Physical: looks scary to strangers, 8 pack, long dreadlocks.
Personality: firm, leader, gentle, loving, caring.
Class: werewolf
Likes: dogs, fall, winter, snow, organization, hot chocolate.
Dislikes: people too close to his mates, messes.
Fun fact: he owns his own multi million dollar car dealership.

Height: 6'4.5"
Age: 325
Physical: lots of tattoos, blond hair, blue eyes, strong, always has a silver necklace on.
Personality: gentle, kind, loving, helpful, caring, friendly.
Class: vampire
Likes: working out, running, meatballs, helping(with anything), sleeping, cuddles, meat.
Dislikes: cooking, annoying people, tomatoes.
Fun fact: he's a personal fitness trainer.

Height: 5'5"
Age: 457
Physical: slightly tan skin, white/grey hair, brown eyes, skinny
Personality: kind, intelligent, loving, caring.
Class: witch
Likes: green tea, books, potions, healing, chocolate, Cosmo, Alice.
Dislikes: being told what to do, peaches.
Fun fact: Delilah is recognized as a powerful witch by all other sorcerers, she is known to help both the good and evil, as she sees no harm in helping all the people she can.


Height: 5'7"
Age: 229
Physical: pale skin, brown hair, blue eyes, skinny
Personality: intelligent, over protective, thoughtful, loving to a select few, mean.
Class: witch
Likes: tea, books, knives, violence, Cosmo, Delilah(her Mom).
Dislikes: 99.9% of people.
Fun fact: she will murder you if you upset Cosmo.

So there's the characters, the pov will be started at the start of each chapter or be in bold to show when changing characters during the chapters. This book is mainly based around Cosmo as he is the main character so most of the povs will be from his perspective.

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