Chapter 14 - food, faries & a pool

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Cosmo's pov

I sighed, Matthew is taking forever! Gimmie my damn food already!

Jacob chuckled at my impatient demand, he could hear me since I'd accidentally tapped into the mind link... again. Since Matthew and Jacob were werewolves we were all connected by a thing they called a 'mind link'. It was weird. It had been a month since I got burned, and my back was nearly completely healed! Unfortunately my arm was taking it's sweet time to heal, and I couldn't use it at all because I didn't want to make the burn worse.

Matthew finally finished and I rushed over, grabbing a piece of the grilled cheese he'd cut up for me. He chuckled and was about to steal a piece from me, but I quickly ate it, nearly biting his hand too.

Once I was done eating I brought my dish over to the sink and snapped, the sponge instantly floated over and started washing my dishes. Evan loudly protested, "no using your magic on unnecessary things! We could've washed that!"

I rolled my eyes as I told him, "that barely takes any effort, I'm fine. Besides it's good practice for when I have to make a red eye potion... ugh this is going to be so boring, and gross."

Jacob asked, "why do you need to make the potion if you don't want to?"

I sighed as I told him, "I run a small business. It's how I get the money to afford all the animal's food, beds, new clothes, y'know the usual stuff. Since I took a month off I'm way behind and I've nearly burnt through my savings, there is no way I can afford to fall any further behind."

Jacob frowned and told me, "just let us handle the money."

I laughed for a minute before looking at him to see he was serious. I raised my eyebrows as I said, "you actually think you can afford to pay for this?"

Evan smiled as he informed me, "Jacob owns a multi-million dollar car dealership, Michael makes a fortune off his gaming, and I'm a personal trainer who makes a good amount of money. Matthew's a freeloader, but that's okay. You don't need to worry about money, we've got it covered."

I snorted and honestly replied, "yeah... no. I spend about a million dollars a month on stuff for the animals, that's not even including my shopping obsession's costs." They all looked shocked so I calmly added, "my potions make a lot of money. I'm one of the best in my field, I have a lot of experience."

Michael confidently told me, "we can handle it. Also, what's your shopping obsession?"

I frowned and asked, "promise not to judge?"

They all nodded yes so I lead them to the fairy room. They gasped as they saw my lifelong work, it was a beautiful fairy garden that I had been creating for over 50 years. It had tiny fairy figurines scattered around it, I could easily recite each of their names, life stories and point out which of the tiny houses were theirs. There was a small river that ran through the village, I had used actual water and made a hydro system so that it could power all the little lights. All the moss was real, it added the perfect realistic touch.

Matthew told me, "this is beautiful!"

I blushed and said, "thanks... it only took me 50 years."

They all gave me a shocked look, but I quickly looked away since I didn't want to be judged. Jacob wrapped me in a hug from behind and said, "this is adorable. We will pay for anything you want, we have more than enough money to pay for everything. You never need to work again, but you can always make potions for fun if you want to."

I was shocked by his generous offer, but I couldn't possibly accept so much from them. I started to protest, "you don't have to, I can-

Evan interrupted me saying, "we want to and we will. You're injured, so just let us take care of you. Consider it our rent, given how big this house is we might not even be paying enough..."

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