Chapter 11 - Lavender Bath

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Cosmo's pov

It had been a week since my fever had gone away, it had lasted for three days and I was still dealing with the aftermath. My Mom had made sure I knew that I was still not allowed to do anything, so I was forced to rely on my mates. I won't lie, it was kind of nice to be pampered by them. We had grown a lot closer, and I was getting pretty close to speaking normally around them. My nightmares had become few and far between, which I was very thankful for. The best part was probably Matthew's cooking, that man seriously knew his way around the kitchen. Well, I was also loving the snuggles every night, it was probably a big part in the reason my nightmares had almost completely disappeared. They had basically moved into my room now, not that I minded. The burns on my back were still a problem, and I was starting to feel the pain in my right arm.

Michael wanted to teach me how to play video games so yesterday he and Jacob had gone back to their apartment to grab all their stuff. They brought it home after a few hours and I had watched Michael set up his computers in a room I had deemed 'the den' because it was dark like a cave. I didn't even bother trying to help, I knew next to nothing about computers and I would just end up getting scolded for moving around too much.

Today I had to take a bath, which normally my Mom or Alice would help me with but they had gone to visit my aunt so they could help her deal with a pack of werewolves. They'd be gone for a couple weeks, and I was a bit upset they'd just abandoned me. Showers were still nowhere near being an option for me, and I did not feel like screaming in pain today. With my Mom and Alice not at the house, that meant the boys would have to help me, which I was feeling very nervous about.

Matthew suddenly jumped on the bed next to me, Evan jumped slightly and I held onto his neck tightly, letting out a squeak of surprise. Evan ran his hand through my hair and Matthew apologized for startling me. I playfully smacked Matthew's arm saying, "don't... do that!"

I heard Jacob laugh from the doorway before he said, "time to get clean. C'mon."

Michael carefully picked me up and I snuggled into his neck, soaking up his warmth. He brought me into the bathroom, setting me down on the tub's edge so that he could help me take off my shirt.

I hissed in pain as his hand lightly touched my back, the other boys quickly worked to comfort me by holding my hands and kissing my head. After a minute I nodded to let them know they could continue, I felt Evan gently take off my shirt with Michael's help. Jacob slowly started to unwrap the bandages covering my back, pausing when I needed a break.

This chapter contains smut. You can skip if you want to, no importance to overall plot.

It took a few minutes but eventually all the bandages came off my back, and I felt Matthew's hands on my waist. My face flushed pink as he lightly rubbed my waist, gently starting to pull down my pants. He looked up at me for permission to continue, I nodded but he stopped his movements to tell me, "I need to hear you say this is okay."

I blushed more as I said, "it-it's okay."

They all smiled and Matthew took off my pants, leaving me in just my boxers. They could sense my nerves and Michael started to take off his clothes so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable being the only one naked. I tried not to stare but my eyes wandered towards Michael's small but muscular body. He chuckled and asked, "like what you see?"

I blushed crimson and turned my head away from him, I heard his quiet footsteps come towards me. He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him, he smiled as he told me, "don't be shy, you can look."

Matthew took off his clothes too and said, "you can look and touch us all you want baby, we don't mind."

Jacob started to carefully take off my boxers, trailing his hands along my legs as he dropped my boxers onto the floor. He stood up and took off his clothes, revealing that he had a beautiful 8 pack. Evan took off his clothes too, I saw that he was very muscular and had an 8 pack just as magnificent as Jacob's.

Michael turned on the water and the tub slowly started to fill, Evan put lavender scented soap into the water. Jacob kneeled down in front of me, he was only a little bit shorter than me from this height. He held the back of my head and gently started to kiss me. I melted into his arms, enjoying the feeling of warmth and safety that came with being so close to them.

Once the tub was filled Jacob pulled away to turn off the tap, leaving me a blushing, panting mess. Matthew quickly stole Jacob's place and pulled me into a kiss, he roughly bit my lower lip making me gasp. He grinned into the kiss as he plunged his tongue into my mouth, not leaving a single centimetre unexplored.

He pulled back to let me breathe, I leaned my head against his. I heard the water splash as Jacob got in the tub, followed by Evan and Michael. Matthew helped me stand and I blushed as he helped me into the tub, trailing his hands along my waist. He gently guided me into Jacob's lap, letting me lean my head against his chest.

I could feel Evan slowly pull me into the water, helping me soak my back without hurting myself. I hissed in pain as my back flared up with waves of pain anyways, I grabbed onto Matthew's hand and let out a broken sob. Jacob gently took me out of the water and gave me a hug without touching my back, kissing my now soaking wet hair. Michael started to rub shampoo into my hair, being careful not to touch my neck. They helped me rinse it out and then Matthew started to put in the conditioner, being just as careful as Michael had been to not touch my neck. They helped me to rinse it out and I went right back to clinging to Jacob's warm chest.

Once my hair was clean they started cleaning each other, except for Jacob who I was hanging on to too tightly for him to move. Evan gently told me, "we need to clean off Jacob, can you please let him go? You can hang on to any of us since we're all clean now."

I nodded and moved over to cling to Evan, burying my head in his neck. I could still feel a dull throb in my back, it wasn't unbearable but it wasn't exactly pleasant. I yawned, putting my full weight on him since I was still pretty tired. He gently rubbed my hips, which made me blush bright red, tensing my muscles. His hands moved to my ass, and I gasped as he suddenly squeezed it. He quickly apologized, "sorry I should've asked-

I shook my head and he stopped talking so he could hear me. I blushed more as I quietly said, "n-no, it-it's okay."

I felt Michael come closer and his hands trailed along my waist, he leaned next to my ear and murmured, "can I keep going?" I hid my face in Evan's neck as I nodded, knowing my face was probably beet red. He chuckled as he moved his hands over top of Evan's, gently squeezing my but. When I didn't protest he continued his movements, and I nearly moaned while he continued to touch me. My breathing hitched when I realized I was hard and I unintentionally started to grind myself against Evan. Evan groaned too which made me realize I'd made the situation worse by making him hard too, however... technically he started it.

Michael moved his hand from my ass, placing it just above where I needed it. I whined, and Michael told me, "tell me what you want. I'll do whatever you want, you just need to let me know baby."

I had tears in my eyes as I begged, "p-please t-touch me... please M-Michael."

He didn't waste any time and quickly grabbed my hard member, giving me a handjob that nearly made me cum after just a second. I moaned shamelessly and came into the water, feeling my body trembling.

Evan rubbed my waist and held me while I calmed down from my high. They all gathered around me, working to keep me calm and un-tense my muscles.

I yawned, fighting to stay awake. Michael told me, "you can go to sleep, we'll take care of you baby."

I nodded, my grip on Evan loosening as I fell into a half asleep haze.

I could feel them taking me out of the bath, putting on the burn ointment and bandaging my back. Surprisingly it didn't hurt too bad, but that was probably because I was half asleep. Jacob carried me back to bed, laying down with me on his chest. Matthew played with my hair, and I was getting more tired. I fell asleep in their arms, smiling as I was surrounded by their warm bodies and I could feel their love for me.

Hello my ducklings! A little more action in this chapter. Thoughts?

Chapter eleven, going past chapter seven!
Seriously, someone stop me with these rhymes

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