Chapter 4 - After the fall

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Cosmo's pov

I closed my eyes, leaning forward. I felt myself fall for a few seconds before I bounced into the net, making me laugh. I happily smiled up at the terrified faces of the guests in my house, I was hoping this would make them leave.

I crawled out of the net and hopped up the stairs, walking through my house to the balcony where I'd left my herbs. I saw one of them, Matthew, looking panicked and the others were trying to comfort him. From one look I could tell he was scared of heights, I felt guilty for scaring him but it was necessary to get them out of my home.

I grabbed my herbs and roots, bringing them inside. I set them down on the kitchen island, planning to take them to storage later.

I turned on the kettle, grabbing mugs as the water boiled. Once it let out it's screech to tell me it was ready I poured the tea into mugs, placing the cups on a tray. I set up little paper cards in front of each mug listing the name of each of the boys. I made sure my tea was at the cooler temperature that I liked.

I found them in the living room, Matthew still looked a bit shaken. I placed the tray down, grabbing my mug and sitting down in my fluffy blue chair. I watched them curiously while sipping my tea, Truffles came and sat on my lap. I stroked her head gently, letting her sip my lukewarm tea.

Evan suddenly asked, "why did you jump like that?"

I took a moment to think before answering honestly, "because... I wanted to."

Michael questioned, "but why? You knew it would scare us."

"Because... I don't... want you... here." I admitted, explaining further, "I... was perfectly... happy... to live... by myself. I don't... want people... near me."

Jacob firmly stated, "we get it, you aren't a social person. You don't want to interact with people, but we are your mates. We are here for you, we want you to be happy. We want you in our lives."

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head back into the couch. I told them, "you don't. You don't... want me... for a mate. I... am messy... I am selfish... I don't listen... I do things... my own... way."

Michael responded, "and we're okay with that, we understand. We won't push you out of your comfort zone, we just want to be with you."

"No... you don't."

Jacob seemed to understand I had reasons, so he asked, "why?"

I huffed, I really didn't want to talk about it but it wasn't like I had many other options. I explained, "I am... a carrier. I can... get pregnant. I don't... want kids... for at... least 3 years. I barely... speak. I don't... leave... my house. I am... reckless and... impulsive. I don't... function the... same as... other people. I care... more for... animals... then humans."

They looked shocked at my statement and Matthew spoke up, "we want kids! We don't mind if you don't speak! We don't care if you never leave the house, we will just spend more time at home! I'm reckless and impulsive too but it doesn't stop them from loving me! We're vampires and werewolves, we couldn't function normally if we tried! Plus that means we're not human."

They all nodded in agreement and I groaned, they did not seem to understand that when I said I don't like people that included them. I tried my last attempt to get them out, I calmly told them, "I'm... a murderer. Can... you really... handle me?"

They laughed and Michael said, "just give us a chance. You won't regret it, we won't bring other people into the house, it'll just be us. If you end up hating us then you can reject us and kick us out."

I was incredibly annoyed with them, but I didn't want to upset my mother so I just nodded to show them that was my plan now. They all seemed very happy when I agreed, I rolled my eyes and got up carrying Truffles.

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