Chapter 9 - Sleepy

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Cosmo's pov

I was in my workshop. I had given Evan and Jacob a clipboard that would tell them what to do, I was too tired to even think about doing it myself. Matthew knew where the greenhouse was so I didn't have to worry about telling him what to do. Michael was with me in the workshop, I showed him the herbs I needed and he carried them to the cauldron for me since I didn't want to risk dropping them. Truffles followed me wherever I went, I smiled and stopped to pet her head.

I used my wand to stir the pot, Michael was worried that I'd tire myself out doing that but I brushed aside his concerns. I was a professional, I knew my limits and I was far from reaching them.

After about an hour the potion was finally done, I used my wand to make sure it all got poured into tiny vials. I made sure the lids were secure before starting to put them into their shelves with Michael's help.

I grabbed several boxes, taking out my phone and setting the potions ordered in them. I taped them shut, I tied on the ribbons and whistled for Moose to come over and take them to the post office. He swooped by, taking one of the boxes and flying off.

I stretched my arms as far above my head as I could, but I quickly regretted that decision as pain flared along my back. I let out a yelp and Michael was holding me in an instant, I buried my head into his chest, starting to cry as the pain tortured me. He gently picked me up, running his hand through my hair and swaying his hips comfortingly. My cries died down after a few minutes, but I still clung to Michael with my left arm, I couldn't feel anything in my right arm so it hung limply against his back.

He asked me, "do you want to go back to sleep?"

I nodded yes and he carried me up the stairs to my bedroom, where Matthew was waiting on the bed. Michael carefully placed me on top of Matthew. I snuggled into Matthew, my tears had stained my face and I just wanted to go to sleep. Matthew gently ran his hands through my hair, asking Michael, "what happened?! Why does he look like he just cried?!"

Michael told him, "he tried to stretch, but he aggravated the burns on his back. I don't smell any blood so I think he's alright, just sore."

Truffles hopped onto the bed, I lifted my head and she crawled on top of Matthew, getting comfortable. I used her as a pillow and yawned, feeling sleep lightly tug at me. Michael crawled into the bed, holding my uninjured hand. I heard Evan and Jacob walk in the room, and they slowly got into the bed.

I was instantly at ease when all my mates surrounded me, and it only took me a few seconds to fall asleep.


Jacob's pov

Cosmo had been out cold for 5 hours, we were all a little bit worried about how much he was sleeping. He looked peaceful in his sleep so we weren't too worried, but we were still keeping a close eye on him.

Evan asked us, "should we have dinner soon? I don't want to wake Cosmo but we need to make sure he eats properly, whenever he cooks he barely has anything on his plate and doesn't even finish it."

I commented, "he might have an eating disorder or he just doesn't like eating a lot, we'll ask later. Should we cook or order something?"

Matthew chimed in, "takeout, so we don't have to wake him until we get the food. But I really want pizza... ooooh and ice cream!"

Cosmo stirred at his words and said, "there's... ice cream ... in the freezer. I just.... want... mushrooms... on my pizza. And I don't... have an eating disorder, eating... is stupid. I would... much rather... get energy... like a plant. We... evolved wrong. Now shush... I'm tired."

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