Chapter 7 - Hospital

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Michael's pov

I stared at Cosmo's beautiful face as he slept peacefully, it was the first time I saw him so incredibly calm. Truffles was on the bed with him, purring by his head which was helping to keep him calm and asleep.

Alice and Ms. Delilah led us all outside Cosmo's room, and Alice hadn't stopped glaring at us since we entered the room. Once the door was shut to Cosmo's room Alice quietly hissed, "what the fuck did you do to my baby brother?!"

Her mother lightly slapped the back of her head and scolded her, "watch your language young lady!"

I answered her with tears in my eyes, "it's my fault. I was in the kitchen with him, Truffles tried to jump on the hot stove and he used his body as a shield. I should have been the one to get burned, I just wasn't close enough, I am so sorry."

Jacob wrapped me up in a hug, rubbing my back and reassuring me that it wasn't my fault, there was nothing I could've done. Ms. Delilah patted me on the back and explained, "I foresaw this happening. That's why I wanted you boys to stay with Cosmo. He was going to get hurt with or without you there, so I knew it best to have people around him. He wouldn't like us being in his house, and I much prefer my house anyways."

We all stared at her in shock, Alice asked what we were all thinking, "why didn't you tell any of us?!?!"

"Because if I told you, you'd be watching him like hawks. Which would end up with him trying to pull away, and the injury that was coming in one form or another would end up being worse." She calmly informed us while we all just stared in shock. She continued, "anyways, it seems like he trusts you now so we'll be leaving him in your care. He will try to be independent but he is injured so you need to take care of him, even if he says he's fine he needs help."

Alice protested, "Mom we don't even know these people! How can you trust them with Cosmo? We should just take care of him-

"Hush now! You'll wake Cosmo!" Ms. Delilah interrupted, "I trust them because I know them, they have helped me find a ton of clients. Don't doubt my oracle skills, I know they will take good care of our Cosmo. And if they don't, I give you full permission to chop them up into tiny pieces and toss them in the fire."

Alice gave us a glare before grumbling her agreement to the deal. I was slightly worried she would murder us in our sleep anyways, but she didn't have to worry about us not taking proper care of Cosmo.

Ms. Delilah smiled and told us, "we're heading back home. You boys stay with Cosmo, but don't wake him up. We'll see you lot in the morning!" She strode away and Alice followed, looking back to give us a threatening glare.

I commented, "well... that was terrifying."

"Yep." Matthew agreed.

Jacob shrugged and said, "let's go take care of our little Cosmo." We all nodded in agreement and quietly walked into his room, seeing him peacefully sleeping on his stomach.

I sat on the floor next to him, and Matthew sat beside me. Evan and Jacob did the same, so we were all sitting in front of Cosmo, I was holding his hand and he squeezed it lightly in his sleep.


Cosmo's pov

I slowly started to wake up, I could feel my back hurting faintly. I remembered all that had happened, even the hazy events after I was burned. I realized I was holding on to Michael's hand, and he was fast asleep sitting on the floor next to me. I looked around to see Jacob was the only one awake besides me, he gave me a gentle smile when he saw I was up.

I returned his smile, and I gently pulled my hand away from Michael's. I started to slowly push myself up, but I hissed in pain as I had moved too fast. Jacob rushed over and put a hand under my chest, supporting my weight so that I could slowly sit up. The others immediately woke up when they heard my hiss of pain, and I felt guilty for waking them.

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