Chapter 15 - Let Me Sleep!

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Jacob's pov

Cosmo was still fast asleep, the rest of us were awake and quietly talking through the mind link about how excited we were. Michael said, I can't wait to turn him into a moaning puddle begging for more.

I rolled my eyes and responded, as if. No way he'll let you take him first. He sucked me off first so I'll probably get to fuck him first too.

Matthew retorted, that was only because you were horny as hell!

I laughed into the link as I told them, I actually got hard thinking about how sexy it was when he moaned in the bathtub. That was so fucking hot...

Evan chimed in, I want to have sex with him too, but can y'all shut up so he stays asleep? He has enough trouble sleeping, he doesn't need your loudness adding to his troubles with sleep.

Cosmo lifted his head and muttered, "he's right. Also, it's like 6 in the morning, why the fuck are you all talking about sex this early? Literally all of you suck at being quiet, you seriously sent me all the messages meant for each other?! And for the record Evan just became my favourite since he told y'all to shut it."

Evan smirked and asked, "so does that mean I get to fuck you first?"

Cosmo growled, "deus adiuva me... it is too early to think about this. Please be quiet so I can actually sleep. All of you fell asleep after an hour but I went to sleep around 2 in the morning, and I did not sleep soundly, so I'm a little more tired and grumpy."

I apologized, "sorry babe. We'll be quiet."

He nodded and sat up, moving out from between me and Matthew. He laid down in between Michael and Evan, Matthew loudly asked in a whiny voice, "why'd you leave us?"

Cosmo closed his eyes as he said, "you weren't warm enough. Now I am going back to sleep and if anyone wakes me up again I swear to god and the heavens above I will put a curse on them."

We all shivered, from his tone we could tell he was dead serious. He snuggled into Evan and after a minute his breathing evened out again, telling us he was asleep. We all laid completely still, not wanting to press our luck.


Cosmo's pov

I dragged myself out of bed around noon, I hadn't wanted to move from the warm embrace of my mates. I only got about 4 hours of sleep, and I woke up over 10 times because my body was stupid and didn't understand that I needed to sleep to have energy.

Matthew was making food but I had no interest in eating, I had used way too much energy yesterday and I was paying for it. All the boys were helping Matthew cook, while I sat on the counter and watched them through blurry eyes while I tried not to pass out. I saw Matthew step back from the stove to grab something from another drawer, but I wanted snuggles. I waved my hand and used my magic so he spun around towards me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trapping him. He laughed and told me, "y'know you could've just asked for a hug baby."

I barely heard him since I'd nearly fallen asleep again, when I didn't respond he lifted my head so he could see my face. I blinked at him tiredly, he asked in a concerned voice, "are you okay baby? Can you please tell me what's wrong??"

I murmured, "head hurts, dizzy... mmm... real tired."

He put a hand to my forehead and swore, calling over the others and telling them, "he's got a fever."

Jacob put his hand on my forehead, leaving it there as he asked me, "did you use too much magic again?"

I stared at him blankly for a minute before I let my intrusive thoughts win. I bit his thumb, then sucked on it as I felt a million miles away from my body. They all looked confused, Evan held his hand in front of my face, waving it. I didn't react, his hand was blurry and I was too exhausted to even try to follow his hand with my eyes.

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