Chapter 16 - Drunk

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Cosmo's pov

I yawned, my head was so foggy I couldn't think straight. Not that I ever was straight...

Evan was trying to convince me to eat breakfast, but I was not having any of it. I'd puked twice the previous night and I had no intention of eating anything ever again.

Jacob tried to reason with me, "you had it just yesterday, you like it. You need your energy. Please baby?"

I shook my head and firmly stated, "no."

Michael offered, "I'll give you a blowjob if you eat."

I still refused, I just didn't want to eat. They had been trying to convince me to eat for over an hour, they should've figured out by now I wasn't going to eat if I didn't want to.

Matthew suddenly picked me up and placed me on his lap, holding me tightly so I couldn't escape him. He asked, "do you want us to spank you?"

I growled back, "try it. You won't wake up in the morning."

He flinched as he saw the pure rage in my eyes, my emotions were a rollercoaster and I was about to run Matthew under the rails. I nearly released an unnecessary amount of magic on him but I was stopped by Jacob grabbing my shoulders and saying, "it's okay. He was joking. You don't need to eat, it's fine."

I calmed down at his words, but I still was pretty angry. Matthew gave me a gentle smile and apologized, "I'm sorry babe. I was trying to make you laugh, but clearly my sense of humour could use some work. How's your stomach feeling?"

I thought about it for a second before muttering, "hurts."

Evan gave me a pitying smile and offered, "why don't we go back to bed? You can eat later, and I'll make you some tea."

I nodded in agreement, a nap sounded really good to me. Matthew asked, "want me to carry you to bed?"

I yawned again and nodded yes, he gently picked me up and carried me to our room. He set me down on the bed where Matthew quickly spooned me, wrapping me up in his warmth. All the other boys climbed in bed too while Evan went to make tea for me. Moose watched from his perch in my room while Truffles decided that lying down on my feet was comfortable despite the fact she was very heavy.

After a few minutes Evan came back holding my tea, I sat up with Michael's help and suddenly was overcome with gratitude. I teared up as I felt so loved by my mates, they all immediately got worried and Jacob asked, "what's wrong?!"

I started crying as I told him, "I'm happy because I found you and I'm sorry that I got upset and I've been such a burden. I'm so so-

Evan interrupted me saying, "enough of that. We're happy to take care of you. Now drink your tea before it gets cold."

I sniffled and took the tea from him, sipping it as I tried not to start crying again. Matthew was still holding me from behind so I tilted my head and lightly kissed him, then went back to drinking my tea. He kissed my head and rubbed my stomach while Jacob helped me hold the mug, my left arm wasn't as strong as my right arm. Come to think of it, I could barely feel my right arm.

My eyes drooped as I drank the tea, Evan must have made it with something that would make me sleepy. Jacob gently took the cup from me and Matthew guided me back to laying down, spooning me again.

They all snuggled up with me, keeping me warm under the blankets.


Michael's pov

"If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound?"

"Hmm... I don't know. Technically yes, but if nobody is there to observe it then did it really happen? It's like Schrödinger's cat. So it really depends who you ask." Cosmo calmly responded to Matthew. We were all asking Cosmo weird questions since he was clearly not completely there.

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