Chapter 2 - Packing

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Cosmo's pov

I pulled my sleeves over my hands, wrapping them around the cup. I leaned forward and whispered, "frigeo." The cup was instantly cold as ice, and the liquid quickly cooled down with it. I sipped the now slightly warm tea, watching the strangers with a wary gaze.

Alice teased me, "you're 221 years old and you still have to enchant your tea for it to be cool enough for you."

I retorted, "it's hot!"

She snorted and shook her head, smiling softly. Michael chimed in, "I think it's cute." Which made me blush.

Mom clapped her hands and said, "Alright. Introductions are done, everyone has tea, we're all ready!" I tilted my head and stared at her waiting for her to continue. "So, now that we know you five are mates, we need to decide on how to proceed. Alice and I are here to speak up for Cosmo when necessary as he's not the best at communicating."

I firmly stated, "I don't... care what happens... but I'm... not moving."

Alice snorted and stated, "that was obvious. You haven't left your house in 50 years."

The boys looked shocked at that while I just calmly sipped my tea. Matthew loudly protested, "what? there is no way you stayed in your house for 50 years! What about food?"

I winced at his loud tone and gently covered my ears, murmuring, "I... grow... my food."

Alice glared at him, harshly slapping his arm and hissing, "don't yell like that, he doesn't like it." He yelped as she did, holding his arm and being dramatic as he laid against Jacob, faking as though Alice had hurt him badly. I giggled and Alice gave me a smile, I returned the happy expression.

Jacob asked, "so do you live here? From the tone they're using and the fact we haven't seen you before I'm guessing you don't."

I shook my head, trying not to make my movements too drastic as I didn't want to knock Moose off my shoulder. Alice filled him in, "he lives in a tree house."

My Mom chimed in, "well, I think you lot should move in with him."

I nearly spat out my tea and gave her a shocked look, I was about to protest but she interrupted, "you have been living by yourself for 75 years and have barely spoke to anyone besides us in all that time! You need company, I am worried for your mental health."

I sighed and shook my head reminding her quietly, "I moved to... the forest... to get away... from people. I don't... want... people."

Mom quickly replied, "too bad. You have had 75 years to yourself, now you're going to put up with company for at least a few weeks. If that's alright with you boys, of course?"

She gave them a hard stare that definitely implied a threat, but Jacob calmly responded, "we would love to. We're currently in an apartment near my company, so there are a few things we need to bring but not much."

She smiled and looked over at me, I stubbornly said, "I don't... want... people."

She gave me a hard look before standing up and firmly saying, "Cosmo, you have been living on your own since your father died. You don't speak to anyone like you used to, and you may think that you have hidden it but your eyes don't shine like they used to. You need people, wether you want them or not. It's been 75 years, it's time for you to open up again."

I stared at her in shock, mulling over my words before saying, "grief... doesn't... have... a time limit. I will... let... them come home... with me... but know that... I only... do so... because... you asked."

She smiled as she had gotten her way, she sat back down and we all drank our tea in awkward silence. Once we were done she kept her smile and said, "I'll finish up grabbing the herbs from the front, go grab the ones from the back. Alice will finish the firewood tomorrow, so don't worry about it."

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