Chapter 5 - Soup

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Evan's pov

Watching my mate at work was incredible, though seeing him hold a chicken eye was quite gross. He was lining up the little vials of light blue liquid on one of the shelves. There was over a hundred of them, and he set aside 12 of the vials. He wrapped the vials he set aside in a blue cloth and we followed him back into the house.

He walked into the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards, placing the vials inside. I noticed he always seemed to open the same cupboard so I asked, "how do you always open the same cupboard but it looks different inside each time?"

He grinned and gave me jazz hands saying, "magic!" I laughed and he looked happy to hear the sound.

He walked back into the living room and plopped down on his chair. He was trying to hide it but I could tell that he was in pain. I looked to Michael and Jacob, giving them a worried look and explaining what I observed. They nodded in understanding and Jacob used the mind link to say, offer the massage again.

I nodded and walked over to Cosmo offering, "would you like me to give you a massage now? I can tell your arms are hurting, let me make you feel better. I promise I'll be gentle."

He debated my words for a second and I could tell he really wanted to give in but he stubbornly shook his head no. I sighed and put my hand on my hip, staring down at him. He stared back, looking like he had no intention of giving in but I could tell just how badly he wanted to.

I suddenly picked him up, sitting in his spot and placing him on my lap. He yelped loudly and tried to run away but I held him firmly. He gave up his attempts of escape after a few minutes and I started to gently rub his arms. He slightly relaxed against me but I could tell he was now very annoyed with me. I moved to massage his shoulders, but I was very gentle as I didn't want to hurt or scare him. After only a few seconds he completely relaxed against me, which made me smile. The others watched me in awe and I could tell that they wanted to be as close to him as I was. I focused on his left arm first, making sure I got out all the tension and knots that had built up. I moved on to his right arm and he tensed immediately, I could feel him wanting to run. I thought that it was probably an old injury so I massaged his right arm very gently, he flinched if I put too much pressure on his arm.

When I was done I just rubbed his arms lightly and he surprisingly didn't run off. He was shy, but we were starting to gain his trust, slowly. No matter how long it took, we were going to win him over. We would make him feel safe with us, and we would give him all the love in the world.

He stayed in my lap for about half an hour before his phone went off. He checked it and stood up, silently walking out of the room. Michael followed him, I assumed they were going to the greenhouse as it was nearly dinner time.

I stood up and sat next to Jacob, snuggling into his side. He wrapped an arm around me, and I smiled up at him.

Cosmo's pov

My phone chimed and I looked at it to see it was yet another order that I had to package. But I wasn't too upset about it because I already had all the potions I needed prepared. Unlike earlier it was a varied order, they wanted a couple sleeping potions, anxiety relief potions and an immunity strengthening potion.

I walked out to the balcony then down the stairs, hearing one of the boys following me. I went into my workshop and grabbed the potions I needed off of the shelves. I boxed it up and tied on some ribbons, whistling for Moose to come grab it. He quickly came over and grabbed the package, flying off to take it to the post office.

I turned around to see Michael admiring my workshop, he commented, "this looks so much like one of the games I play..."

I curiously asked him, "what... game?"

He looked over at me and told me the game, I hadn't heard of it so he explained the basics of it. I found out that he was a very skilled gamer and did a lot of livestreams. I smiled as he talked passionately about one of the games he liked most.

Once he had finished his rambling I led him into the greenhouse. I picked out lots of veggies, I was planning on making a soup tonight which I was quite excited for. He offered to help so I had him hold the basket while I picked out the vegetables.

We went into the kitchen and I took out a giant pot, filling it with vegetable stock and setting it on the stovetop so it could boil. I added in some parsley, garlic, thyme, oregano, garlic powder, rosemary, Italian seasoning, salt and some pepper.

I split the vegetables into two groups and gave Michael a knife and cutting board. I grabbed a knife and a cutting board for myself, cutting as quickly as possible. I finished quicker than Michael so I cut some of his vegetables, making sure that they were cut into small pieces. I heard the water boiling so I poured all the vegetables in, covering the pot with a lid.

I grabbed some chicken out of the fridge and set it on Michael's cutting board, he started cutting it into small pieces for me while I grabbed bowls. I took out the plastic bowls and placed them by the chicken, Michael understood and divided the meat into the bowls.

I set a timer on the oven and hopped up onto the counter. Truffles jumped up after me and I pointed to her bowl so she knew where her food was. She jumped over to the island and starting eating her dinner. Moose came flying in and immediately started eating.

Michael came over and stood beside me, we watched my familiars eating and I laughed as Truffles stole a piece of Moose's meat. Moose ate most of his food before starting to just peck at it, which made Truffles start stealing it. I smiled as I knew Moose was just pecking at the meat so that Truffles could steal food without getting in trouble.

The timer went off and I got off the counter, grabbing a wooden spoon. I lifted the lid off the pot and stirred it, placing the lid back on and resetting the timer. I moved around the kitchen, grabbing the dirty cutting boards and knives, placing them in the sink. I snapped my fingers and the sponge levitated, starting to clean the dishes. I started cleaning off the counters with a cloth, keeping an eye on the dishes since I was tired I could have accidentally messed up the spell. I was thankful when it all went into the cupboards without any problems.

I yawned and stretched my arms above my head, feeling my tiredness from the day. The afternoon hadn't been tiring, but I'd gotten up at 3 in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep, as usual. So I busied myself with other tasks, making potions, grabbing herbs, writing letters to other witches with advice on how to improve their potions if they were struggling and sent me a letter asking for help first. I did laundry, fed all the animals in the house, ordered some new incense sticks, cleaned over half the house and then grabbed herbs from the roof.

The timer went off on the stove again so I pulled off the lid, releasing the heavenly smell into the house. I shifted the pot off the heat and put the lid in the sink. I was about to grab bowls when I saw Truffles getting ready to jump onto the hot stovetop. I yelled and quickly ran over, catching him before he landed on the stove but falling backwards, towards the still boiling pot of soup.

Hello my ducklings, another cliffhanger >:)

Chapter five is here to thrive!
Seriously someone take away my rhyming privileges, this is getting ridiculous.

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