Chapter 8 - Home

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Cosmo's pov

I was in my bed, but I was on top of someone. I was still half asleep so I decided that it was probably fine and snuggled into the heat source beneath me. As I was slowly becoming more aware of my surroundings I realized that I was on top of Matthew. I must've fallen asleep in the hospital... but I'm home now. Eh, it's fine.

I opened my eyes, noticing that I was in my room and all the boys were huddled around me. I yawned and heard Evan tell the others, "he's awake, he just did the cutest little yawn!" I blushed at his words and hid my face in Matthew's chest, it was too early for this.

Michael ran his hand through my hair, it was becoming my favourite thing that they did, but I would never admit it. Jacob asked me, "how'd you sleep baby?"

I groaned in response, somehow not feeling too embarrassed about the nickname they kept using. I suddenly realized that if I was in the hospital I could've spent over a day there, who had taken care of my animals? I bolted up, wincing in pain but ignoring it, I quickly asked, "how long?"

They gave me confused and worried looks but Evan answered, "you were in the hospital for just over a day. Your Mom said to give you this letter from her and not to worry about your pets, Alice and her took care of them while you were gone." He took a letter off my nightstand, offering it to me.

I gently took the letter from him, looking down to see my name was on the front in my Mom's handwriting. I carefully opened it, crossing my legs and feeling Matthew move so that I was comfortable.

Dear: Cosmo

My sweet boy, I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you this all sooner. I foresaw you being hurt, fate wouldn't allow you to escape it. I made sure the boys went home with you because I knew they would take care of you, and rush you to hospital. The scenarios where Alice and I stayed with you were so much worse, this was the best option.

You have been through so much, I have only ever wanted to see that you to live a good life. You are injured now, the healing process will be a long journey, and certainly not a painless one. I see your future with the boys, they will take care of you, so don't worry. Work with them, don't be so stubborn and accept their help and love when you need it most, which is now. Burns can take anywhere from a couple weeks to years to heal, but my estimate is your recovery will take about 6 months.

             I know what you're most worried about though, your animals. Don't worry, I've made sure they were fed while you were away. Get the boys to help you with feeding them, I swear to the heavens above if you try and do everything by yourself I will tie you to the bed and not let you leave until you are completely healed. Send the one who annoys you most to clean up the shit room, if you try and clean it in your state the same threat as before applies.

            Don't use your magic so much, it drains your energy. You need to rest, and maybe indulge in a little romance. I can see you falling in love with them all, they've all already fallen for you. I know you're scared that if you fall in love with them, they'll eventually leave you and break your heart. Trust me baby, they won't. I know it's scary to let someone into your life again after seeing your father taken so brutally away from you, but these boys are good for you. They won't break your heart, I promise. However, since I know it's coming, if you do have sex, make sure to use protection until your burns are all healed! Your back will hurt you bad enough when you're pregnant, you don't need to add burns to it. Oh, I can't wait to see my grand babies... but don't you dare have them until you're healthy again!

           This next part is mainly for the boys, as I know you'll let them read this letter. Don't impregnate my son while he is healing, while I would like to see my grand babies sooner I will also be furious if you put Cosmo in any pain that is unnecessary. I can foresee children in your futures, but if they come before Cosmo is ready, Alice has knives with each of your names on them(not you Cosmo, don't worry). Treat my boy well, and make sure he has some water, he forgets to drink water a lot. Especially after you have sex, make sure to keep him hydrated.

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