Chapter 1 - Out for Herbs

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Cosmo's pov

How annoying, they knew they could have just brought it over to my house but nooooo! I had to come over and see, because they were "too busy" to bring over. I grumbled my annoyance away in my head, because saying that to my Mom wouldn't end all too well.

My sister, Alice, had noticed a ton of the herbs I liked had bloomed in their yard. Normally they brought them over when they visited but for the first time in 50 years I had to leave my house to get them. I knew they were worried about me and just wanted me to leave my house but I was perfectly content to live away from people in my treehouse. I was 221 years old for gosh's sake!

So here I was, on a bus in one of my sweaters and jeans with Truffles, my familiar, sitting right beside me and Moose, my second familiar following the bus in the sky. I pet Truffle's head and watched Moose soar beside the bus, he would occasionally fly up and go in circles before coming back to flying beside the bus's window.

The bus stopped a block away from my Mom's house. I nodded to the driver and handed him a small vial along with my money, he was having sleeping problems and since he had done a good job of not crashing he deserved a tip. He thanked me and I waved goodbye before walking away. The vial had instructions on how to take the medication and since I was wearing my witch hat he knew what I was. It annoyed me a bit that I was using one of my last sleeping potions on a stranger, but he seemed kind so I did it anyways.

I heard tiny footsteps follow me and I looked down to see Truffles by my feet. She looked up at me and I sighed telling her, "you are too heavy to carry! I'm not holding you the whole way to Mom's!"

He stubbornly sat on the ground and I rolled my eyes, she knew that I wouldn't leave her behind. I picked her up, groaning as she was quite heavy, well she was a Maine Coon cat after all.

I carried her all the way to my Mom's house, which took me about 10 minutes to get to as I had severely misjudged the distance from the bus stop to the house... yeah that was why. I opened the door and laughed lightly as Moose flew inside, perching on top of one of the many books scattered around the house.

I lightly tapped my foot on the floor, sending vibrations through the wood to tell them I was here. I hung my hat next to the two already hanging on the wall. I took my shoes off and neatly placed them by the door, I preferred being barefoot anyways.

Alice quickly strolled over to the door from her room and gave me a hug, ruffling my hair and greeting me, "Hey Cocoa! How's my baby brother doing? You're finally out of the house! It's been like 100 years!"

I retorted, "only 50!... People just... aren't... my thing."

My Mom walked over giving me a hug and saying, "we're both proud of you for going out in public today. Alice is just showing it in her weird psychopath ways. Come now, I've made soup!"

I grinned at her words, we all walked to the kitchen and I took in the amazing scent of her famous cheddar broccoli soup. She poured some into bowls and I sat down with my sister at the barstools to eat it.

She set the bowl down in front of us and I eagerly gulped down the soup, complimenting my Mom on how she always made it taste like heaven. She smiled at my words, starting to eat her soup more slowly than I was.

Truffles hopped up on the table and licked my face, making me laugh. I stood up and put my dish in the sink, both of my familiars watching me closely. I hadn't finished it, but I wasn't that hungry so it was fine.

Alice told me, "the herbs are in the back, I'll help you pick them. I think there's some more in the front too..."

Mom said, "there is. I'll grab the ones in the front while you two get the ones in the back. We'll bring them inside so that we can wrap them up, oh and if you two wouldn't mind there's some firewood that I'd like moved closer to the house."

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