Chapter 3 - Cosmo's treehouse

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Cosmo's pov

I led them into my property, showing Jacob where he could park.

I took a second to admire the beauty of my house up in the trees. At the base of the tree was a door, and beside it were the stairs that went all the way up the tree. Michael groaned and asked, "do we have to climb up all of those stairs?"

I laughed and shook my head no, leading them to the door. I opened it and stepped inside, waiting for them to follow. Once they were all in I shut the door and pressed a button next to it, the floor shook slightly and we were moving up. It took a minute for us to travel all the way up, the elevator wasn't all too big so I was a bit uncomfortable. Matthew looked slightly nervous and held Jacob's hand.

I only took one step in before a herd of dogs, cats, squirrels, mice and every small animal imaginable except for chickens rushed over to greet me. I kneeled down and said my hellos. I set my shoes down on the shoe rack I had, and the boys quickly followed suit. After a minute I got up and walked through the house bringing the boys to the living room, motioning for them to sit down. They did and I quickly left the room, heading to the greenhouse so that I could grab what I needed for dinner.

I smiled as I walked into the warm, humid dome. I quickly picked out some cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, kale, cauliflower and broccoli. I brought it all to the kitchen and started cutting everything up, placing each vegetable in it's own bowl. I took some feta cheese, honey and several dressings out of the fridge, setting them down on the kitchen island.

I heard footsteps and saw Evan walk into the kitchen, he kindly asked me, "is there anything I can help you with?"

I was about to decline but I remembered that I had to feed Truffles and Moose. I decided that some of the chicken for them could be cooked and served to the boys as they probably wouldn't want just salad for dinner. I walked over to the fridge and took out the chicken, placing it on the island in the kitchen and looking at Evan. He understood and started to open the package while I turned on the oven, then grabbed a baking tray from a cupboard and lined it with parchment paper. Once he had opened the package I pointed to the chicken then the pan so that he would put it on for me.

I heard more footsteps and saw the other boys standing at the kitchen entrance, I looked to them and waited for one of them to explain. Matthew spoke first saying, "we wanted to see if we could help!"

I smiled and grabbed one of the bowls, motioning for them to copy me. They each picked up two bowls and followed me to the dining room, I set the bowl on the table and they did the same with the other bowls. I walked back into the kitchen and motioned for them to get the dressings out to the dining room.

I grabbed olive oil from a cabinet and drizzled it on the chicken that Evan had spread out on the tray. I opened the oven and put the tray in, paying the heat no attention. I opened the fridge and took out 2 chicken breasts, I was grossed out just touching them so I was thankful I wouldn't have to cut them tonight. I set them down on a cutting board, wrinkling my nose at the wretched smell.

I quietly asked, "can one... of you... cut the chicken... small pieces."

Matthew quickly came over and started chopping up the chicken. When he was done I put two plastic bowls next to it so that he could divide the meat amongst them.

I washed my hands, making sure that they were throughly clean before rinsing them off. I dried my hands on a tea towel by the oven. I opened one of the cabinets and took out plates, setting them down on the island and hearing the boys go to set up the table. I took out forks and knives, setting them on the island too.

I smiled as Moose and Truffles started eating the chicken from the bowls, I wasn't worried about them getting sick as I put a spell on the fridge so all the food would be safe to eat for 3 days after taking it out.

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