Introducing Ignaius

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As expected, the idea of letting people see him and get to know him did not bring Variel any joy, but he kept his mouth shut. He knew that what Tanier said was true, provided the knowledge that he was Ignaius hadn't spread across the land already.

Vis stepped up to Variel and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "It won't be so bad. All you have to do is let people see who you are. No acting, no fake smiles, none of that. I doubt anyone expects Ignaius to be so adorably shy." He pinched the cheek he'd kissed, which made Variel blush. Grinning, Vis straightened up.

"Right then! I am off to plan your day!", he proclaimed.

He gave Tanier a little wave and strode off, whistling. It was as if the very air in this place felt lighter to Visorro-Kior, made him feel more free and unencumbered.

Variel watched him go and then turned to look at Tanier. "I worry that the lord-magistrate may not be able to convince the council of our intentions. It... seems as though it might have been a mistake not to have them in the meeting..."

"Then we have to talk to them. All of them reassured me yesterday that they would love us to visit. Let's see, if they are willing to follow through on the offer."

Variel blinked. "You mean... now?" He was mostly asking if that was where they were going next, or if the king meant later on. He didn't think he would be more prepared later than he was now, so it wasn't the protest it might have come across as. He also wondered if the king actually intended surprise visits, to catch the praetors off-guard in hopes of lowering their political defenses. He couldn't say he disagreed with such a method; he'd always hated the games and lies of politicians, especially those that covered up something dangerous. It wasn't unlikely that one or more of these councilors could side with those who wished him dead...

...or that one might have already been influenced by the Disciples. That thought made him shudder.

"Why not?" As Variel was clearly not opposed to the idea, Tanier would be an idiot to let this opportunity slipp. He put together a small guard for them, informed Fyen and Vis of their plan and off they went.

"If we achieve nothing else, we will get a little tour of the city," Tanier pointed out. They had seen a little already, but he was in a much better mood now.

Their first stop, councilman Aden-Demar, was not much of a success as he was not home. With Councilman Sonto-Sirov they were more lucky and were asked to wait. The room they found themselves siting in exuded the sensuous luxury they by now associated with Aurora: The seats were soft, the food, drink and the scent in the air were equally sweet. Tanier found the environment rather inspiring and leaned over to Variel to place a kiss on his cheekbone. Possibly it was not just the room, the walk through the city had confirmed Vis' statement that people were surprisingly carefree - and usually dressed in a fashion that would have been labeled provocative everywhere in the realm. And as he could not remember anything on Vis' list of Dos and Don'ts that said something to the effect that you may kiss in public, but not in private or not while waiting for a councilman, he just followed the impulse.

Variel shut his eyes briefly, a small smile on his lips. To return the affection, he lay his head sideways to rest that cheek on Tanier's shoulder. He stayed like that until he heard the door open, at which point he jumped and sat straight again rather quickly. He realized his reaction probably hadn't been necessary, but old habits died hard.

Councilman Sonto-Sirov entered the room, wearing the green and silver of his station. "Good afternoon and what an honor it is to receive such a visitor!" he exclaimed. He bowed and then took a seat across from the two men. "Are the refreshments to your liking, Your Majesty, or should I have the servants fetch something else?"

Dawn of the Unconquered Sun (Part 8 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now