Did you?

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*** Partially dark and rather explicit, but I suggest you read it, if you don't want to miss out on the character development. ***

When he felt ready to move again, Vis came to lie down on Variel's other side, smirking with satisfaction and looking across at Tanier. Variel seemed dazed, so he didn't even bother to even lower his voice as he made his next - rather dark - comment. "After what you told me he took at Ond, I think we will need more men to find his limits, no?" Vis didn't seem to have trouble finding the humor in something so dark, perhaps a mark of his relaxed view of nearly everything else in the world.

Tanier was showering Variel's face with light, affectionate kisses, enjoying the afterglow he could feel radiate from Variel. His eyes met Vis' and he smiled back.

Vis remark clearly added an unexpected dark note to this happy moment, yet he was not shocked. He had thought it in silence, Vis had said it aloud. Different from Vis, he would never have voiced it for Variel to hear. But sensitivity aside, he fully understood the statement, maybe even better than Vis himself. After all he had seen for himself how much cock Variel could take - if he had to. Yet there was a difference and he pointed it out:

"I am not really sure he enjoyed it."

He, too, was able to treat horrible things with humor. But what Vis said next, silenced him:

"Did you?"

He could not say "yes", he could not say "no", both would be a lie. So he didn't answer right away and he was aware that he had hesitated too long when he finally said:

"I would have enjoyed it, if Variel had a choice in this. At this point, when it happened, I would have done anything to stop it."

Vis watched him for a time, studying his face, and then moved a hand up to gently comb his fingers through Variel's hair. The boy looked like he was coming down, but he still wasn't really paying attention. Both knew that this couldn't be the normal daze of sex; he wasn't asleep, so he should have been hearing everything they were saying by now, as they were both so close to him.

"I do wonder what a difference a simple word from you would make. If you told him you wished to watch him fucked by a dozen men, would he hate it? Would he ever tell you if it is too much?" Vis looked back up from Variel's face to Tanier's, and his own expression read what he thought the answer probably was: No.

"No, he would not. Most likely. But because I know, I will do the best that I can to hear the 'no' that he can not speak. I know that I am in charge to watch his limit, that I am the one who has to say 'no' when he can't. I will not claim that I will never make an error in judgment and I dread the day that this will happen, but that is how it is."

He placed a kiss on Variel's cheek, then started to untie him, starting with his legs and finishing with taking off his collar. This was over.

While he was still untying him, he asked Vis to draw a bath and once he had tossed the collar away, he lifted Variel in his arms to carry him to the tub. Today he would not join him, instead he stayed around to wash him, clean him and offer him some wine for his hoarse throat.

As expected, these activities had left Variel quite relaxed after how tense he'd been earlier. Even after his head cleared, he stayed calm and happy, content to let Tanier bathe him and to drink the wine he'd poured earlier. He was looking up at the king with bright-eyed adoration, a comfortable smile turning his lips up ever so slightly. He was oblivious to the dark mood that Vis had introduced.

"I'm glad you won," the young man murmured after a while, the first time he'd spoken since leaving the councilman's estate.

"Why?" Tanier asked. He had no doubt that Variel was turned on by the idea to be given to Lekal-Kayla again, so it must be something else. Most liekely. After all it was possible that the young man had changed his mind - or had second thoughts about it now. Some of them could simply be well founded security concerns.

Dawn of the Unconquered Sun (Part 8 of the Ignaius-Saga)Where stories live. Discover now