The Conquest

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*** Mature content warning. Rough sex. Proceede at your own risk. ***

The older man turned to look down at the boy still kneeling and trembling. "You are afraid," he observed. "Why? Have I threatened you?"

Variel didn't want to speak, for he expected his voice to fail him. However, he worried more about what would happen if he refused to speak. "I... I don't know you..." he choked out.

Lekal-Kayla raised an eyebrow and stepped a little closer. "So, you are afraid because I am a stranger? Do you fear all strangers?"

Perhaps 'fear' wasn't the right word for how he felt about strangers, but 'wary' worked pretty well. This was different, though, and he felt the words leaving his lips before he consciously decided whether or not to say them. "Y-you're going to hurt me... I know you are..."

A smirk came over the man's face and he closed the rest of the distance. He bent at the waist and cupped Variel's chin before the boy could look away as he was clearly about to do. An involuntary whimper escaped Variel's throat. "Yes, I am going to hurt you, but you enjoy that, do you not? I warned your Master outright that I would not be gentle, and he did not seem to think this would be a problem, so long as you remain in tact."

Variel's stomach was twisting in knots while his member twitched between his legs. "W-why me?" He felt the overpowering urge to stall, to put this off for as long as possible. He wasn't sure what he feared more: what might happen to him, or that he might really enjoy it. "Th-there were... s-so many other people there. People... wearing bands... Others my age. I saw--"

Lekal-Kayla placed an index finger against the front of Variel's collar, silencing him just as effectively as if he'd touched his lips. "Don't play coy. You know who you are and why you stood out above any others in that room. I could have any of them, any day. They're easy. But you..."

Variel gasped as he was suddenly lifted from the floor, Lekal-Kayla taking him up effortlessly with both hands and slamming him down onto the bed on his back. The impact nearly knocked the wind from him, and he was now staring at burning eyes just inches from his own.

"You are of his blood. You hold his power. A thousand years ago, he laid waste to this land, slaughtered hundreds of thousands: men, women, and children all alike. And he did it all to avenge one man whom was killed by his brothers in arms, not an Auroran. Now, you come into my land a thousand years later, more beautiful than any I have ever seen yet proclaimed unavailable. Xero Alturus thwarted our conquest a thousand years ago and hounded my ancestors until their lives were the only things left to them. I will succeed where they failed. I will conquer the one bearing his name and his power that has come into my land!"

Variel wanted to scream. he opened his mouth to do so, but it was instantly covered by a brutal kiss from Lekal-Kayla. The kiss lasted until hsi lungs burned for air, and so when the older man pulled away, all he could do was gasp.

Lekal-Kayla leaned down further to speak gruffly into his ear. "This was fate. You belogn here, in my bed, alone and at my mercy. For Aurora, I claim you!"

Variel couldn't remember much of what happened afterward. He remembered being manhandled, Lekal-Kayla's taunts, the pain of being violently fucked over and over again, and the incredible rush that drove all mental faculties far, far away. He screamed. Oh, did he scream! However, they were not words, not pleas for someone to help him. They were just screams of pain tinged with pleasure. Lekal-Kayla would have no resistance to his conquest, but he didn't seem to care anymore. That he had reached this point was enough for him, and every ounce of energy, lust, and frustration that had been building all night was unleashed.

Variel wasn't sure for how long it had lasted or even how many times either of them had come. The rush had seemed nearly constant as Lekal-Kayla had not let up. He now lay face-down on the bed, thighs spread as the older man stood over him, wiping away blood and semen with a wet cloth.

"Bruises," he said, as if inspecting the damage on a piece of cargo. He was trailing his fingers over Variel's ass and the backs of his thighs, creating a constant dull pain by touching said bruises. "Surely your Master will not mind those. Even a tame sparring session will leave one with bruises. You are fortunate that they are all you have to show for this battle."

Variel felt most of the air pushed out of his chest as Lekal-Kayla lay over him, pinning him hard to the firm mattress with his body weight and speaking right by his ear.

"Whenever you want this again, as I'm certain you will, come to me and I will leave you with much more than just a few bruises. Your Master doesn't have to know how many times I made you come tonight, and he doesn't have to know when you come back to me." He clamped his teeth on Variel's ear and bit down harder and harder until he got a satisfying gasp.

That was the end of it. Lekal-Kayla dressed himself and then dressed Variel all in silence and with a sense of duty. He made sure the boy's clothing and hair were mostly in order, then scooped the dazed boy into his arms and strode from the room to deliver him.

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