( 𝟎𝟎𝟎 ) prologue

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CHAPTER 𝟎𝟎:𖤐 the beginning of everything

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𖤐 the beginning of everything

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19 APRIL, 1998

IT WAS THE YEAR OF 1998 WHEN THE WINCHESTERS lives changed for the better.

Sam and Dean sat on the couch, watching Scooby Doo and the regular old cartoons. It was another boring week without their dad.

John had called Dean earlier and told him he would be back later that night, but it was starting to get dark out, and he wasn't back yet. It was safe to say they were both getting a little worried.

"When's dad getting back?" Sam asked.

Dean stared ahead at the tv while answering, "He said tonight. Its not even fully dark yet. Calm down."

Sams eyes narrowed at him. "I am calm. I'm just bored."

"Okay, well I don't know what you want me to do about it." Dean sighed. He looked back to the tv, before they both heard a clear as day knock at the door.

They both looked at each other, knowing that their father wouldn't knock, as they had a secret code that only the three knew about. Dean quickly jumped up, as he told Sam to stay there.

"Dean, I'm fifteen, not five." Sam whispered as he went to follow him.

"Shut up. Stay there." Dean told him in a stern voice, as he went to grab the shotgun beside the door.

He looked through the peephole, and didnt see anyone. His first thought was that it had to be something supernatural, until he saw something by the door.

He slowly and hesitantly opened the door, as Sam watched him.

Deans eyes slightly widened in confusion.

"Its a baby." he told Sam, still confused, as he looked around to see any sign of a person, or honestly―︎ anything.

Sam shot up and went over to the door. They both looked down at the baby that barely looked a month old. She had a light blue blanket draped over her, with a binkie in her mouth, she was in a small crib.

THEIR LITTLE ANGEL, supernatural¹︎Where stories live. Discover now