( 𝟎𝟏𝟔 ) jeepers creepers

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                    // THEIR LITTLE ANGEL //

CHAPTER SIXTEEN:━︎━︎ 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝟏, 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟏𝟏𖤐 jeepers creepers

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𖤐 jeepers creepers

        . •︎ ━︎━︎━︎━︎━︎━︎━︎ ༺☆༻ ━︎━︎━︎━︎━︎━︎━︎ •︎ .

ONCE NIGHTFALL CAME, Dean and Lizzie were roaming the orchard, waiting for the scarecrow to strike the next couple.

Lizzies hand was in Deans as they continued to walk around.

Lizzie then sighed, catching Deans attention. He turned to look at her, staring at the ground.

"What's wrong with you, now?"

"I miss Sammy." She admitted. It just didn't feel right when the three of them weren't together. They were like a package deal, you can't take one without the other two following.

"Well, I can't exactly tell him what to do." Dean sighed. "I like that about him. He doesn't let anybody tell him what to do, not even dad."

Lizzie looked up at him, shocked that he was saying this to her. He never really was the type of person to open up about his feelings.

"You should tell him that." She spoke, causing him to look down at her.

He scoffed. "Yeah, okay."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, then. Don't." She thought it was a good little suggestion, considering that she knew Sam would like to hear that from him, but it was whatever.

They continued to walk a little further before they both heard screaming and rustling nearby. Dean and Lizzie looked at each other briefly before running off towards the source of the sound.

After running for a few moments they bumped into the couple.

"Get back to your car." Dean commanded.

The guy looked over his shoulder to see the shadow of a scarecrow in the distance, then obeyed Deans orders. As the couple ran past them, Dean aimed the shotgun towards the scarecrow, hitting it in the shoulder. The shot didn't seem to harm the scarecrow much, so Dean took Lizzie and ran behind the couple.

As they ran, he continued to shoot the scarecrow a couple of times before they reached the car.

Dean cocked the shotgun then pointed it towards where the scarecrow was last seen. The couple hid behind Dean, attempting to be shielded from harms way.

THEIR LITTLE ANGEL, supernatural¹︎Where stories live. Discover now