4- An Interview to... Whom!?!

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Aradhana was sitting in the waiting room of Transparent Media News Channel, waiting for her turn. It was her first job interview after that malicious incident. She was nervous and yearning to eat something sweet, her diabetic cravings.

In these two months, Reyansh and Aradhana hadn't crosspathed each other. They never wished too.

Reyansh found out that Kadambari Devi's manager had leaked the video. He recorded the manager's statement, presented it in front of the Committee board and the world, hence, unmasking the first part of the scandal. He even got his job back, most of his employees joined back, specially Sunaina and Vikram. But he continued his hatred for women. This time he got an even stronger reason to hate women, first hand. He still had grudges against Aradhana.

The society, for which Aradhana's parents abandoned her, forgot the scandal with passing time. Now, no one remembered the scandalous video due to which they used to question a girl's character just a few weeks ago.

Mayank and Revati were busy in their own lives. Her parents got her married and he continued with his blackmailing business, finding new girls. His wife even supported him. They were waiting  to be exposed.

Aradhana had legally changed her name from Aradhana Sahani to Aradhana. It was heart wrenching for her but went through all the procedures of changing one's name. She revised all her important documents and identity proofs accordingly with the help of Vikram and Pooja.

During such vulnerable times, Vikram and Pooja had helped her a lot. She didn't have a place to live, Vikram provided her one using his contacts, that too on the minimal cost, since she wasn't earning much. Also keeping her away from the reach of Reyansh Lamba was an adventurous task. She earned her expenses by tutoring children.

Conclusively, it is said that time is the best healer, and this medicine even worked. It worked on society. However, the sole patients were yet to be healed. In their case, time didn't heal but increased the pain.

Those patients were yet to be healed.

Truth was yet to be told.

Vengeance was yet to be considered.

Punishments were yet to be given.

Trust was yet to be earned.

Most importantly, hearts were yet to meet.


"MISS. ARADHANA!!," Her trance broke when the receptionist of Transparent Medias called out her name. It was finally her turn. Gathering all her confidence, she went towards the interviewer's cabin.

When she entered inside, she found that the rolling chair of the interviewer was turned backwards, against the table. She couldn't see his face. Someone sitting on the chair was ensured as the chair was rocking.

"Good Morning Sir." She greeted with enthusiasm laced voice.

There was a hmm in response.

Rude! She puckered her lips.

"Excuse me sir," she expected the interviewer to turn to her.

"Excused," she heard. This voice was familiar but why? Where had she heard? She tried to contemplate about the voice until,

"Miss. Aradhana? You wanted to say something." The interviewer asked. Dodging his voice, thinking it to be her misconception, she continued, "Yes Sir."

Cumulating her courage, she let out, " Sir, you'll be interviewing while sitting opposite?"

"Any problem?", was the response.

" No sir! But.."

"But, you want a job and for that you just need to answer my questions. What is it with my appearance?," He asked.

"Nothing!" She pouted. How rude.

She heard him chuckle as if he could see her pout from the opposite side of the table.

"So, Miss Aradhana, Will you be the junior producer of my company?" The interviewer sounded candid.

He did not care to ask those formal questions like her passion, why she wanted this job, etcetera. He just jumped to offering her one of the highest positions in his company. 

"Don't you want to know my abilities?" Aradhana doubted.

To which the interviewer retorted, "My 30 years of experience is enough to find real talent just by face. Needless to waste time on such silly questions, you see."

"But sir, how could you see me when you're not facing me?" She again investigated.

"Tch tch tch! So many questions," he sounded irritated now, " Miss. I am saving time by not questioning silly, so should you."

She responded, "Sir I was just say-ing..

"Cut the crap! Do you want this job? Yes or no." The interviewer cut her in between.

She had been waiting for this job for 2 months and now that the chance is finally here, she can not let it go. She wanted to continue her passion. Also, she wanted to renew her past self. Thus, she could not afford leaving this job.

"Yes Sir." She responded with a nod.

"Great decision Miss. Aradhana." The interviewer reacted.

Then Aradhana saw his hand getting stretched towards the cupboard placed behind the table, in front of him as he was turned opposite to the table. His grey coat sleeve came in her view. She saw him drawing a blue colored file from it and was presented in front of her.

"Sign it." He then commanded her.

She took the file, opened it and signed the first page without looking at the sheet attentively.

"Done Sir," she said.

Aradhana heard the interviewer squeal, probably, gleaming, "Great Job Katherine Pierce!" With this he turned around facing her, towards the table.

As soon as she saw his face, she shrieked, "Uncle!"

He gestured to her to look at the file she signed. She hastily took the file, flipping the pages she yelped, "NATIONTRUE NEWS CHANNEL!!" Her jaw dropped.

"Aaahann! It's Vivek Lamba. Investor of NationTrue News Channel. And you are my Katherine Pierce, junior producer of NationTrue News Channel." Mr. Lamba stated with a humorous excitement in his voice. "Welcome to our Team Miss." He continued with a chuckle saying, "And the C.E.O. is Reyansh Lamba, surprisingly, my son."

Aradhana was shocked beyond explanation. She had to look outside the window through the glass plane to check which company building she was in? The banner said 'Transparent Medias', the office in which she was being interviewed. But how this NationTrue came into picture.

Looking at her flabbergasted expression, Vivek laughed out saying, "Close your mouth. There are so many flies." 

Last time he was the one who hired her in his news channel. This time too. Not even in her wildest dreams she had thought to rejoin the same office. She didn't want to. She wanted to say no straight away, knowing that Reyansh would be there but..

Why is she not feeling like denying?

Why is her heart hurting on the thought of escaping Reyansh?

Why was her heart contended with the thought of rejoining that office?

What will she do now?


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