6- Reyansh's Conspiracy

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Reyansh was inside his cabin delved into his deep thoughts. He had called Vikram to discuss. When Vikram entered inside, Reyansh darted questions to him.

"Who am I?"

"Where are we?"

Vikram became watchful at his sensible questions. He asked, "You're drunk Rey?"

"How many times have I told you not to drink during office hours but do you even dare to listen?"

"What is my name?" Reyansh again repeated his questions and added one more to them.

"You're okay Rey? What are you even talking about?" Vikram became concerned now.

"No! You tell me Vikram, do I not look like him?" He again asked, pointing his finger at his own photo frame hanged on the wall. He repeated, "Do I not look like him?"

Vikram felt like fainting. Is he the same Reyansh who was proud of his looks? Who was obsessed with mirrors? He went close to him trying to smell if he's really drunk. And if he is, then to WHAT extent?

Reyansh shrieked out striding away from his sniffling friend, " I ain't. You answer my question first." He again posed an outlandish question, "What is written here?" he asked, pointing towards his name plate that was kept on his table.

"Did your acidity affect your neurons?" Vikram interrogated.

"You answer me. No, no first read this out." Reyansh demanded, asking Vikram to read what was written on his name plate.

Vikram read out, " It's Reyansh Lamba. C.E.O."

"Yes! And my name is?" He raised his brows asking.

"Reyansh Lamba" Vikram completed.

A very unexpected applause reached Vikram's ears, "Very Good Vikram!" Reyansh clapped his hands.

A flabbergasted Vikram asked, "What are you on?"

"You mean what am I upto?" Reyansh corrected to which he retorted, "I am asking, what are you high on? What has affected your conscience?"

Reyansh tried to explain, "Look, this name plate says that Reyansh Lamba is the C.E.O. of this company, and I am Reyansh Lamba," pointing himself with his fingers and continued, "which means I am the C.E.O. of this company. Ain't I?"

By now Vikram was totally confused and feeling pathetic towards his friend.

Reyansh again asked, "What are the functions of a C.E.O? You tell me."

"He's the top decision maker of a company." Vikram answered. He wanted to disappear from that place, just then and there.

"Exactly!" he yelped. "I, Reyansh Lamba, the C.E.O. cum owner of this company is, expectantly, the top decision maker of this company." He then stated the actual problem, "But that Aradhana is taking decisions. She's sticking to this office by the grace of my Dad. Here, even if the owner slashed her, she is back again."

Vikram drew a sharp breath controlling all the murder mystery kind of emotions brewing inside him and murmured, "So you are high on Aradhana!"

"WHAT?" He heard him scream.

When that shocked scream of Reyansh dissolved in the atmosphere, he again started.

"Yes! This is the problem. That girl is the only problem. No matter how much I try, she's not leaving my head and now she's in my office. She has started haunting me now." poor Reyansh shared his problem with his friend.

Vikram asked, " What do you want?"

"To eliminate her"

"From? The office, your brain... or your heart." Vikram asked him.

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