Alive not kicking...

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Benedict had trouble breathing from how tightly his mother held him. After a few minutes, Edmund dragged her off, so he himself could get a chance to hug his son.

"Aw Dad, you too? Everybody is crying," Benedict said.

"You can count on it, son," his father replied, "I hope you never have to suffer through such a scare when you have kids, but if you do, you'll understand."

"Sorry, Dad, I didn't mean..." Benedict felt embarrassed and had trouble finding words, "I eh... It's just weird for me; I feel like it was just yesterday, but it's been an entire week. It's kinda freaking me out a little."

"We know, Sweetheart," Elizabeth said, "but you're awake now, so just focus on that."

After everyone expressed their joy for Benedict's recovery, numerous times, they filled him in on what had happened in the previous week, though there wasn't much to tell.

The doctor came back a little while later to discuss Benedict's condition; as they had all almost figured out, Benedict showed no sign of brain damage, which was a relief to all but Benedict, who unlike the others had never considered it a possibility.

The doctor talked about his other injuries, quickly covering the internal bleeding, but going into more detail about his lower body. They talked about rehab and what he could expect and how long it might take for him to walk again.

Benedict felt slightly overwhelmed by hearing about how badly he had been hurt, his mouth became dry, his hands sweaty and his eyes showed a hint of fear. He was thankful that he was not alone with the doctor, Sophie was with him giving him some strength by simply being by his side and holding his hand. It didn't matter that his parents and Elizabeth were there. Sophie was all he saw.

Finally, the doctor covered some things that were not from the accident, but from the coma; Benedict had not eaten real food in a week and, to his embarrassment, the food and liquids were leaving his body with a little less help than he could have hoped for.

Benedict would also have to get used to sponge baths for some weeks, until he was healed enough to take a shower.

Benedict's face was crimson with embarrassment; he would much have preferred pain over this degradation, at least that's what went through his head when he was told in front of his Sophie, Elizabeth and his parents.

He was very happy that neither Kate nor Anthony had been there for that conversation, though he was sure they would still make plenty of jokes about his predicament later.

After answering a few medical questions, the doctor left Benedict's room.

"You know you are going to be alright, right?" Sophie asked Ben, "We'll be here to help you through everything."

Benedict's mind was still very overwhelmed and somewhat groggy, so he just took Sophie's word for it.

Sophie continued, "It's only going to be a month or so before you can come home, then I will take care of you. I'll be your nurse." She added the " only " in an attempt to not make it sound so bad, but Benedict had focused more on the " take care of you " part and smiled at her.

He suddenly got nervous as he realised a very key aspect "but the doctor said I would need sponge baths for at least two months before I would be able to shower by myself."

Sophie was not unfamiliar with patients being uncomfortable having a nurse bathe them and answered softly "Hey, I know it sounds weird to you now, but I'm a nurse, I do it all the time, you don't need to feel embarrassed... you could of course just stay in the hospital, but I doubt you'll want to after a month. I'll be a professional." She smiled hoping that her cheeks would not burn and give away her feelings.

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