Second secrets

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Sophie and Benedict were sitting in the waiting room of Sophie's doctor's from before they went to Uni.

"Do you think we should get married soon, or should we wait until after the baby comes?" Sophie asked in a hushed voice to ensure their privacy.

"Well, it sort of depends on a few things. How long does it take to arrange a wedding?"

"Really depends on the wedding."

"Well, what kind of wedding would you like?" Benedict asked.

"You mean we , right?"

"The only thing I really care about is that you are the one I get to marry." Benedict answered, giving her hand a squeeze.

"Aw," Sophie kissed his cheek, "So you wouldn't care if we eloped right now or if we waited a few years?"

"Eh, now that you mention it, I would actually prefer that at least our folks were there to share it with us, but if you want to elope, we can elope."

"Thanks, but I want them to be there too."

"How big a wedding do you want?" Benedict asked.

"Hmm, not that big, just our closest friends and our family."

"Okay, and where should we have the reception?"

"In the garden maybe?"

"Great, then we don't have to worry about reservations and stuff like that."

Benedict was about to ask Sophie how long it would take her to find a dress when a doctor came into the waiting room and called her name. They greeted the doctor and Benedict followed Sophie into the examination room where they were directed to sit in a couple of chairs.

"So, Miss Gunningworth, what can I do for you today?" The doctor started when she sat down opposite Sophie and Benedict.

"I think I'm pregnant." Sophie stated without much trepidation, "I took a home test Saturday and it was positive."

"Okay, when was your period due?" The doctor asked, making Benedict a little uncomfortable; he had never gotten used to hearing about those things.

"It was last weekend, and I am usually very regular."

"And you have been sexually active, I assume." The doctor asked without changing her tone.

Benedict blushed slightly when Sophie confirmed the doctor's statement.

"Good. Now, since it would be way too early to see anything on the ultrasound, I will have a nurse draw some blood and we should get a definite answer in half an hour or so. While we wait we can discuss any questions you have."

Doctor Gibbons went to her phone and pushed a button, "Annie, can you come and take a blood sample?"

Moments later an older nurse came in. Sophie had already pushed up the sleeve of her blouse and in no time the nurse was out of the room, carrying the blood sample and a form from the doctor that indicated what tests should be run.

"So, do you have any questions?" Doctor Gibbons said as she sat back down with Benedict and Sophie, "I know it can be a lot to handle for first time parents."

For a little more than twenty minutes they talked, figuring out what they could expect if she was pregnant, what Sophie should stay away from and how often she should come by for check-ups.

Both Benedict and Sophie were becoming more comfortable with the idea of having a baby. Their conversation was interrupted by a sound coming from the computer on the doctor's desk.

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