ch 8

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Monsters flooded relentlessly around the cannon, now preparing for its third mana shot.

Lucas' defensive line was holding up for the moment, but it was clear it wouldn't last much longer.

"Loading complete!"


The artillery commander confirmed the load was ready. Without missing a beat, I called out to Damien.


Damien's eyes were streaked with red veins, possibly a side effect of using the Far-sight ability. But we had no time to consider that now.


Already locked on his target, Damien pulled the trigger without hesitation.

-Bang, clink, clink...!


The third shot.

The fired mana bullet traveled a massive distance...


And landed right where the Spider Queen lurked.

This was nothing short of extraordinary marksmanship.

Whether it was an error by the gods or a trick by the game developers, the truth remained: Damien's aim was a miracle in reality.

The problem was...


Despite everything, the Spider Queen remained upright.

The Queen was no fool. Having been hit twice, she understood that she was the target and had swiftly developed a countermeasure.

Her strategy was simple yet effective: use her underlings as living shields.

The mana bullets, falling in parabolic arcs, were intercepted by the spider guards.

While the mana bullet penetrated all barriers, by the time it reached the Queen, its potency had significantly decreased.

"Black Spider Queen, hit confirmed. But, she's still standing...!"

The scout with the telescope reported, his voice trembling. I forced myself to shout in response, maintaining an illusion of calm.

"What are you all doing standing around? Do you think we have time to waste? Load the next bullet! Now!"

The artillerymen, drenched in sweat, hastened to cool down the cannon and load the next bullet. Yet, their faces were heavy with despair.


At the heart of the forward base, around the cannon.

Lucas stood there, brandishing his sword with all his might, holding the last semblance of a defensive line.

"We must protect the cannon! We must protect His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Lucas fought admirably, living up to his reputation as the most formidable knight present.

Despite his level being half that of the Black Spider entities, he fought tooth and nail, skillfully wielding his sword and shedding monstrous claws.

The frontline, where Lucas held his ground, didn't falter.

But the rest of the soldiers...



"Sa...Save me! Take me home..."

Casualties began to pile up.

In the ally information window, the number of comrades was plummeting at a terrifying speed. I couldn't bear to watch any longer and closed it.

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