•|Oops! Accident

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As the sun cast its golden hue upon the streets, I stepped out of Hania's house, embarking on a mission for cupcakes

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As the sun cast its golden hue upon the streets, I stepped out of Hania's house, embarking on a mission for cupcakes. The Queens, my steadfast companions, had made a request, and I was determined to fulfill it.

I slid into my car, the engine humming to life as I navigated the bustling streets.

My hand on the staring wheel looked amazing, I quickly took a picture and sent it on the group *the queens*

My mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming events, the impending meeting between Hania and the groom's family. My heart fluttered with a mix of anxiety and excitement.

Pulling up at a quaint bakery, the aroma of freshly baked treats enveloped me as I stepped out. My gaze danced over the display, seeking the perfect cupcakes to delight my friends.

Emerging from the bakery, a small box held carefully in my arms, I was content with my choice.

After I got home, i was happy. Little did I know, an unexpected twist was waiting for me.

As I strolled out of my car, my thoughts still occupied by the cupcakes, a sudden jolt threw me off balance. The box slipped from my grasp, crashing to the pavement.

A sharp pain erupted from my forehead, and I instinctively touched the source.

"Ouch!" I winced, feeling a warm wetness on my fingers.

Raising my gaze, I saw a car with its bumper almost touching mine. Frustration surged within me as I took in the scene. This wasn't the errand I had envisioned.

"Watch where you're going!" I snapped, my patience wearing thin.

A guy emerged from the car, his expression a mix of concern and apology. But in that moment, I wasn't in the mood for polite exchanges.

"Are you blind or something?" I retorted sharply, my frustration evident.

He winced, his eyes narrowing in response. "I apologize, it was an accident. Are you hurt?"

My fingers brushed against my forehead again, the sting becoming more pronounced. "Yes, thanks to you!"

His gaze softened as he noticed the blood on my fingers. "I truly didn't mean for this to happen. Let me help you."

His attempt at being helpful only intensified my frustration. "Help? You believe you can collide with someone's car and then play the role of a savior?"

He seemed taken aback by my harsh words, his brows furrowing. "I didn't intend for things to turn out this way. I didn't anticipate you getting injured."

My annoyance deepened at his apparent concern. "Congratulations, then! You've not only damaged my car but also managed to hurt me."

He clenched his jaw, irritation flickering in his eyes. "You're not making this any easier."

"Spare me your sympathy," I shot back, my voice heavy with sarcasm.

Our exchange escalated into a heated argument, the tension crackling in the air. The heat of the moment fueled my words, and I couldn't seem to rein myself in.

Footsteps approached, drawing my attention. I turned to see a group of guys approaching, each impeccably dressed. One of them regarded us with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

The guy I had been sparring with, seemed to recognize them. He appeared torn between irritation and embarrassment.

I shook my head, my patience waning. "I'm not interested in becoming part of your family melodrama."

The mention of Hania's family only heightened my apprehension. Zaan and his brothers (I assumed) were here, prepared to meet the bride's family. The thought of encountering them in my current state was unbearable.

With a final warning glance at Ayaan, I pivoted on my heel and retreated back into the house. As I walked away, the undeniable feeling of an eventful day loomed large in my mind.


Well, our poor Ayaan, He had to come into this chaos!

Hehe he can tolerate it i guess.

On my lovely reader's demand, We have created character account on Instagram of The Queens!

Go follow them to have real life interaction with them! Also! You can join our chat group (Ishq (#1)) for more sneek peeks 🤌🤍

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