•|The betraying brats

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I followed the girls into the kitchen, feeling a surge of curiosity

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I followed the girls into the kitchen, feeling a surge of curiosity. What were they up to?

The girls exchanged a glance that could only be described as suspicious, setting off a subtle alarm bell in the back of my mind.

The kitchen was filled with a sweet aroma, tempting my taste buds.

Heer took charge, her smile radiant as she picked up a plate of sweets

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Heer took charge, her smile radiant as she picked up a plate of sweets. She handed them out to us, one by one, making sure we each got one.

But as I looked at the sweet in my hand, I felt a flicker of doubt. Something in their eyes, their mannerisms, didn't sit right. They were too eager, too excited.

I glanced at Abeer, who was holding his sweet with a similar expression of uncertainty. Our eyes met, a silent communication that said more than words ever could. There was a shared sentiment amongst us - a sense of apprehension. What were the girls up to? Why did their smiles carry an air of mischief?

The girls didn't waste time, their voices a symphony of encouragement and teasing. "Go on, don't be shy. It's just sweets."

But doubt was etched on our faces, and their playful prodding only fueled our apprehension.

Heer smirked at us in her cute way, "Afraid of a little sweet?" She taunted us, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Or maybe you don't trust us?" Shahana joined in, her tone mockingly hurt.

"We're not going to bite!" Rhea added, her voice sweet and innocent.

"Bhai kuch gadbad hai," Ishaan muttered under his breath, his brows furrowed. (Something is fishy)

Ayaan asked, " Are you sure you didn't mix something in these?" His eyes narrowing at the girls.

Abeer said, "I've got a bad feeling about this." His voice tinged with anxiety.

My eyes narrowed at Abeer's words, but Heer's laughter was infectious. "Come on, Abeer. You're overthinking it!"

The words hung in the air, a reminder of the bond we shared. We might not fully trust the situation, but the camaraderie we had as brothers was unbreakable.

With a mixture of wariness and resignation, we bit into the sweets. The taste was familiar - sugary sweetness that was meant to be comforting. But then, as the flavors mingled, an unexpected twist hit our taste buds.

A bitter taste filled my mouth, making me gag. I felt something sticky and chewy in my teeth, making me want to spit it out. I looked at the others, who had similar reactions of disgust and shock.

Our stomachs growled in protest, sending waves of nausea through our bodies. We exchanged alarmed glances, a realization dawning upon us. The girls' laughter erupted, triumphant and carefree, as they revealed the prank they had played.

"Gotcha!" Rhea exclaimed, her voice jubilant and proud.

Shahana said, "Old chewing gum in the sweets!" Her grin unrepentant and wicked.

Heer said "Just a little payback!" her voice light and playful.

Our expressions ranged from disbelief to annoyance, the realization of our folly sinking in.

"Old chewing gum in the sweets?" Ayaan repeated incredulously, his voice rising in pitch.

"That's disgusting!" Ishaan exclaimed, his face contorted in revulsion.

"That's genius!" Abeer admitted, his voice amused and impressed.

All of our brothers looked at Abeer in disbelief, "Bhai, Humme patta ha tu adopted hai, per baar baar kyu yaad dilata hai?" Ayaan asked him. (Bro, we know that you are adopted, why you have to keep reminding us?)

As the girls' laughter filled the room, we hurriedly made our way to the washbasin, trying to rid ourselves of the unwelcome aftertaste

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As the girls' laughter filled the room, we hurriedly made our way to the washbasin, trying to rid ourselves of the unwelcome aftertaste. We spat out the gum and rinsed our mouths with water, hoping to erase the memory of the prank.

Once the ordeal was over, the atmosphere shifted - the prank had served its purpose. It had broken the ice between us and the girls, creating a sense of familiarity and fun. Heer's voice was light, her amusement evident. "Just remember not to mess with us again."

"Or you'll regret it." Hania added ominously,

Hania stepped forward, her gaze steady as it met mine. She looked at me with a mix of challenge and curiosity,

Hania said "You should have known better, hitting one of our queens with that old vibrant car of yours."

Abeer's laughter broke through, his carefree demeanor a contrast to the palpable mood.

Abeer said "Come on, guys. Let's go. We've had enough of their pranks." his voice cheerful and friendly.

He clapped me on the shoulder, giving me a wink.

The others followed his lead, leaving the kitchen one by one.

Hania and I were left standing there, the room emptying as the others made their exit. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken words, a tension that hung between us.

I moved closer to her, closing the distance that separated us. I looked into her eyes, seeing a hint of vulnerability and defiance.

"Humare ha hume koi kuch deta hai, to hum usko sud samit wapis krte hai," I warned her, it was true. And the translation was very simple (I will return your deed with my own)

Hania's response was measured, her words a reflection of the complex emotions that had been stirred.

Hania said "Bring it on Mr. Zaan Rehmani, I will wait," Her voice guarded and cautious.

With that said, she started to walk away, but.

Not before I took hold of her hand and pulled her to me, she gasped as she fall over my chest.

I leaned closer to her ears and whispered, "Congratulations Miss Khan, you are going to marry,"

She heaved a shuddered breathe, I leaved her and walked out of the room.

Author Here

After the cliffhanger, was this chapter worth waiting?

The next chapter due by tommorow ✌️

Please go back to •|The Queens, Chapter... I have done some changes also have included the queens instagram accounts. So please check okay ❤️🥂

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