•|Mr. perfect Rehmani

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Here's is it!

He was staring

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He was staring.

He IS staring me since I started eating my food.

It's making my ovaries explode. I have to keep my legs crossed to reduce the ticklish feeling I was having by just his stare.

"You didn't told me how was the food," He asked me.

I finished my bite first before answering, "It's good, far better than what I imagined," I answered honestly.

From my peripheral vision, I swear I saw him smile, a genuine one. But when I looked up, it was gone.

"I have heard more pleasant compliments but this will do i guess," He said as he stood up and started clearing the table.

I went back to his room and quickly did my night routine. I was feeling nervous I don't know why. So when I came out of the bathroom, I quickly called the queens. There were already fifty plus missed calls.

They received on a single ring, "The fuck happened Hania? Heer told us what happened. And we were so damn worried about you!" Shahana started yelling over the call.

I smiled, "I am alright -" I explained them head to toe what happened.

Rhea gasped, "But you didn't did anything with Zaan, You should have told your mother. How could she just disown you like that?"

"I know it's very hard to believe myself, She threw me out of the house like I meant nothing to her. Even dad didn't tried to call me once," I heaved a sigh.

"Mom told everything to Dad after he came home from his business trip, Unfortunately Dad shares the same thoughts as Mom. They want nothing to do with you." Heer told us, she sounded deprived.

"You don't have to worry Hania! You come and stay at my place! This is your home too!" Shahana offered me.

Smiling, I replied, "It's alright Shahana, I am staying at Zaan's."

Everytime I think about him, my tension stays at bay. It's soothing.

*Ohhhhhh!* Rhea and Shahana teased me in a sync.

"Girls it's not like that! He just is giving me shelter that's all!" I tried diverting the conversation as it made me blush.

"Come on, What I heard was something like, *Hania will come with me to our house* wasn't it something like that?" Heer teased me, reminding me what Zaan had told my mom.

"Oh my ovaries just exploded, Did he actually said Our house? Hania you sure you didn't practiced magic on him?" Shahana said while giggling like a teenager. Rhea and Heer also joined her.

"Shut up!" I groaned.

Hearing footsteps coming from outside, my eyes went wide, "Girls! He is coming, I gotta go bye love you,"

"Love you too girl don't forget to use protection!" Shahana teased. I groaned and put the call at bay as soon as the door opened.

He looked at me and then at my phone then at me again and frowned, "Who were you talking to?" He asked me as he came closer.

My heart started pounding at the sudden jealousy in his tone, "I was talking to my girls."

He relaxed at my answer, as if he just went from being murderous to being prone.

Sitting beside me on the bed, "What were you talking about," He asked.

I fiddled with my fingers, "Nothing just girly stuff."

Not in my wildest dream will I tell him we were talking about him. Cause god it's embarrassing.

A smirk took over his features, He took hold of my feet and pulled me closer, I gasped. "What are you doing!" I asked in a whisper peering into his intense gaze.

He made me straddle him and I took inhaled sharply at the sudden intensity. In this position, the white shirt does me no good to hide my legs.

"Ever since you came out in my shirt, I couldn't think of anything except you. That's your fault," He told me as he wounded his arms around my waist.

My breathing quickened, as much as I wanted relive from the tension building in my stomach, I don't think I will be ready for sex.

He noticed when I got tensed, closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead on mine. "Baby, you need to calm down. You should know that I won't do anything you don't want to. I will be honest that I want to do otherwise but your consent and happiness means everything to me. I just was hugging you right now because I wanted you close to know this is real. You are real and with me. The only forever I need."

He said all of this while looking into my eyes, my own filled with moisture at how genuine he was.

Not being able to stop myself, I leaned and kissed him. He paused for a second before he kissed me back.

I stopped before it leads to anything further, He smiled knowingly.

Turning off the bedside lamps, he layed me on the bed, before joining me inside the blanket.

Pulling me close to cuddle, he kissed my head.

"Thankyou for everything Zaan."
I told him.

"No need princess," He assured me and then added,"Sleep, you might be tired."

I smiled, as if waiting for his instructions, my lids became heavy and within minutes. Sleep consumed me whole.

Author's Note

Well well, I want nothing more than to see Zania's chemistry. I can't wait🫣

Anyways how are you guys?

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