•|First Date

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We had lunch peacefully, he kept stealing glances at me while I was too shy to look at him

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We had lunch peacefully, he kept stealing glances at me while I was too shy to look at him.

This was new to me, even though he didn't told me he loved me, but his ways are speaking to loud for me to ignore. If we are in a relationship, I am loving it.

"Are you done?" He asked me after finishing our breakfast. I smiled and nodded.

I couldn't say anything else, my extroverted personality have gone to hide somewhere. I wish if this moment stays forever.

He stood up and walked over to me, gently picking me up again, "Let's go on our date!" He announced.

I frowned looking down at my exposed knees, "Like this? Let me change atleast," I asked.

He arched a brow at me,"It's not like you have wide range of options to choose from and My shirt look's amazing on you also it reminds me of what's to come tonight so the shirt works fine" He explained as he started walking away from the garden towards the parked chauffeur.

At his words I clenched my legs, hiding my face in his neck so he doesn't see me blush.

As we settled inside the chauffeur, I thought about what it'll be like my first time. I've heard some girls enjoy it while for some it's painful. Which category I'll be in? Will there be bleeding? Will there -

I was pulled out of my trains of thoughts when Zaan asked me, "What happened baby?"

I quickly shook my head, "Nothing! I was just admiring the city outside," I lied.

His expression says he doesn't believe me but he let the topic go for now.

I shaked my head to stop myself from thinking. I'll just ask Shahana since she isn't a virgin.

Soon we reached a massive building where at the entrance a group of people were standing as if to welcome someone.

Zaan took my hand in his and we got out of the car, he led me towards the entrance.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Rehmani, We are pleased to have you today with us!" The manager said with an inviting gesture.

I looked at Zaan, they were calling me Mrs. Rehmani which made me blush.

Zaan didn't have any expressions, he just nod at the manager and shook hands with him before he took me inside.

I followed him to the reception where the receptionist quickly grabbed a pair of keys and an eye mask which she handed to Zaan.

"Okay Mrs. Rehmani time to close your eyes," Zaan teased me.

I smiled and turned around so he can cover my eyes, "but how will i walk now?" I asked him.

"When I am here do you think you need to walk?" He asked picking me up and started walking towards god knows what.

"You love to carry me around like a doll," I said winding my arms around his neck. When he didn't respond, I glide my fingers down his throat then his adam apple causing him to grip me tighter.

"Careful gorgeous, we might not be able to complete our date if you keep doing like that," He told me, a little growl was there in his voice.

I laughed sneakily, even though I can't see. I know there's a smile on his face too. Which warmed my heart.

Soon we were somewhere a little cold, Zaan dropped me on my feet, I tried to guess where were we but failed.

"Okay baby, remove the eye mask," He instructed.

I quickly obliged and my mouth dropped to the floor. What I saw around was my most favourite thing and also the one I've never been to.

It was an aquarium museum. It was amazingly beautiful. The walls of the aquarium were so transparent I can almost feel myself inside the water.

I had tears in my eyes as I looked at Zaan. I was a die heart lover of the underlife of water but only saw it in pictures because I have thalassophobia.

My voice was shaky as I asked him, "how did you know about this, I never told you."

He came closer to me grabbing me around my waist and pulling me to his chest, "I maybe had to ask your sister what is it that you like. And soon we'll somehow get over your phobia and I'll show you the real abyssal zone."

I looked around then at him, the gift might not be special for some but his thoughtfulness made my knees weak. I just stood on my toes and kissed him. He never fails to surprise me.

He kissed me back. After that we stepped apart, I spent most of the day in that aquarium museum. Later he took me to a shopping mall where he told me to buy everything I need to wear.

I did bought many dresses, suits, jumpsuits, etc. In the end I even mustered up the courage to sneakily buy a sexy two piece lingerie for tonight. Which I wore inside his shirt so he don't see it along with the other items.

I told the girl to include that in our bill and she smiled knowingly at me.

Zaan refused to let me change from his shirt. So we went to have dinner in a fancy restaurant with me still in his shirt. After dinner it was finally time to went home. Zaan was in for a surprise thought.

Author's Note

Oh no actually I didn't wrote the next chapter, think of it like the author told someone else to write it 😂

Jk! Are you waiting for the next chapter? Me tooo!

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