•|The Past Mistake

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The forest sprawled out before us, a vast tapestry of shadows and uncertainty as we continued our desperate search for Heer and Abeer

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The forest sprawled out before us, a vast tapestry of shadows and uncertainty as we continued our desperate search for Heer and Abeer. My heart raced, anxiety coiling within me like an unrelenting serpent. As I trailed closely behind Shahana, the thick underbrush seemed to constrict around us, muffling our voices and amplifying our collective unease.

In the midst of our shared worry, a brief opportunity emerged-a chance for Shahana and me to break away from the group, to escape the watchful eyes and the constant chatter of our friends. I couldn't let this moment slip by without addressing what had been eating at me since the ordeal began.

"Shahana," I called out, my voice a soft but urgent plea, "we need to talk."

She pressed onward, her gaze fixated on the terrain, her determination unwavering. It was as if she were in her own world, resolute in her mission. It was frustrating; she had to know what was troubling me.

I reached out and gently took hold of her arm, causing her to slow down, forcing her to face me. "Shahana,?" I said, my voice laced with a mix of frustration and desperation.

Her eyes met mine, and they widened in surprise, as though my interruption had broken her concentration. "Ayaan, not now," she responded, her tone tinged with exasperation.

I couldn't keep it to myself any longer. "I remember everything now," I admitted, the words slipping from my lips like a heavy secret that have been harbored for far too long.

Shahana's brow furrowed, her gaze searching my face, her confusion evident. "Remember what?"

And in that instant, the world seemed to shift around us, transporting us back in time to a different place, a different era-a time filled with masks, hidden desires, and remorse.



Two years ago, during our college years, I was the quintessential playboy-a guy whose charm, good looks, and charisma made it easy to win over hearts only to shatter them later. I was infamous for my conquests, known as a heartbreaker. But there was one night, a night of revelry at a masquerade-themed freshers party, that would alter the course of my life forever.

College party Aesthetics

College party Aesthetics

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