•|The Drama

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As I walked into my luxurious apartment after a long day at the courthouse, the weight of exhaustion was heavy on my shoulders.

Atleast I took a very beautiful selfie, Selfies are totally my thing when they come out nice.

Being a lawyer was no easy feat, especially when every case seemed to drag on forever.

But today, my weariness was overshadowed by a sense of impending doom, a storm brewing on the horizon.

My parents had left a note on the kitchen counter, a short and direct message that managed to turn my stomach. "Hania, sweetheart, we've arranged your marriage. The Rehmani family is coming over tomorrow to meet you. They're good people. Love, Mom and Dad."

"Arranged marriage?" I muttered, my voice laced with disbelief. How could they do this to me? I was a modern, independent woman, and they were treating me like a pawn in some outdated game. I crumpled the note in my hand, frustration and anger welling up within me.

My fingers flew across my phone's screen as I texted my four closest friends - Shahana, Rhea, Heer. The "Queens," as we called ourselves. We were more than friends; we were sisters, bound by an unbreakable bond forged through years of shared laughter, secrets, and support.

"Emergency meeting at my place NOW!" I typed and hit send. Within minutes, my friends began to trickle in, each adding their own unique energy to my already chaotic living room.

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