•|Aizah Oberoi

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When I woke up, The surrounding around me was cold and unpleasant. Instinctively I seek something warm which was just behind me, My sleeping form was oblivious of what it was, I just snuggled over it and just like that the cold was gone.

Thought as I slowly woke up, I realised that it was not something 'it' but a 'He'. A very sleepy he.

Zaan was still sleeping without any care of his world. His one arms was protectively around my waist like a blanket of comfort.

"Well, He isn't grumpy in his sleepy, I can get used to it" I thinked and smiled.

For a few seconds, I just stared at his features, this was the first time I could actually pay attention to his face.

His eyes were closed but I remember he have these hazel orbs like early wood. Those lips~god! How can a man have so pink lips?~the sharp cut of his defined jaw, No words.

"It's rude to stare, haven't your parents taught you that?" He said, his eyes were still close.

My eyes widden, I can swear he was sleeping then how does he-wait was he? "Y-You were pretending to be asleep?" I stammered.

Quickly gathering myself and standing up at the speed of lighting bolt.

He slowly opened his eyes meeting my gaze with his bored ones, "I don't pretend to do anything. I don't need to," He stood up and wipped his hand over his face.

I quickly took out my phone, thank goodness networks were back and It means I can avoid my embarrassing moment.

"Gadhi Hania" I muttered to myself.

[Dumb Hania]

I called Heer first and she picked up on third ring.

"Hello -Hello, Heer, can you hear me!" I yelled over the phone in case she can't hear me.

"Or chilla lo, aise phone ke bagair baat hojaegi" Heer said only part jokingly.

[Scream a little louder, you'll be able to talk with us without phone]

I rolled my eyes at her, "Where are you? Are you okay and what about the others?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I am fine Shahana and Rhea is as well, Abeer and his brothers are with us, we are heading back to home, we'll see you there" She informed me.

Relief coursed through me, finally we can go back home.

I told everything to Zaan, who just replied with a 'hmm' well, surprise.

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