•|A night with him

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Turn out to be that I was publishing daily from last Sunday but because of some sort of glitch my new published chapters were going in a dump and now I had to rewrite from chapter 14. So sorry to make you wait but know that it was unintentional. Love you all please vote on all the previous chapter to support me ♾️~

"Ma! You didn't even find it important to inform me about the deal and now you think I am throwing tantrums?" I said, already frustrated from my mother's action.

Ever since I came back from Zaan's office, I am restless. It have nothing to do with the fact that Zaan is getting on my nerves, mind, body and soul. And everything to do with the fact that I wasn't told this marriage was more for a buisness purpose.

"You are a grown up woman, Hania. You should know that in our business, such alliance are usual and tell me? Which of those arrange marriages you attend turned out to be bad. The only thing different in those marriages and yours is the fact that you'll be benefited in both personal and professional life. We are your parents and won't think bad for you."

Ma explained me without looking up from the magazine.

It was ten o'clock in the night, I tried to talk to my mother but as usual it was a topic she won't bulge on.

Don't get me wrong. My mother loves me, no one in my family is toxic. Still, they prefer to make decisions from their minds rather than their hearts.

I stomped my feet on the ground and made my way to the exit, I heard mom calling after me.

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