•|Mr. Gentleman

525 31 1

-here is the advance chapter as promised -

As we all stood in front of the hotel's entrance, my worry for Heer and Abeer grew with each passing moment

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As we all stood in front of the hotel's entrance, my worry for Heer and Abeer grew with each passing moment. It was unlike them to disappear without a word. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the surroundings, but my unease deepened. Zaan, Shahana, Ayaan, Hania, and Ishaan were all discussing ways to search for them, trying to come up with a plan of action.

I shifted my weight from foot to foot, my gaze flickering between the group. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a girl collided with me, sending us both tumbling to the ground. Pain shot through my leg as it twisted awkwardly beneath me. Gasps of concern echoed around me, and I winced at the throbbing ache.

"Rhea, are you okay?" Hania's worried voice reached my ears.

I tried to sit up, but the pain in my leg was too much. "I think I twisted my leg," I managed to say, gritting my teeth.

Shahana knelt beside me, her eyes wide with concern. "Let's get you inside and have a look."

As they helped me to my feet, I tried to put weight on my injured leg, but it protested with a sharp jolt. My heart raced as I realized I couldn't stand properly, let alone walk.

Hania bit her lip, concern evident on her face. "Rhea, you need to rest. We'll find Heer and Abeer and come back for you."

I felt a wave of panic rise within me. The idea of being alone in a hotel room, especially with my phobia of big spaces, was terrifying.

Hania must have seen the fear in my eyes, because she turned to the others and said, "Rhea has a phobia of being alone in big spaces. Neither of us can stay with her right now. She'll be more comfortable with someone else."

Zaan shook his head, his brow furrowing. "But we need to find Heer and Abeer as soon as possible."

It was Ishaan, surprisingly, who stepped forward. His expression was a mix of annoyance and resignation. "I'll stay with her," he said, his tone brooking no argument

I blinked in surprise as Ishaan picked me up in his arms. It was a strange sensation, being carried by someone I had rarely exchanged more than a few words with.

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