•|Queit Brat

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~Sorry for the late publishing~

The day can't be more worse, first Abeer and Heer disappeared, then Rhea and Ishaan have to stay at hotel, now somehow Shahana and Ayaan got separated from us while we were searching for Abeer and Heer. NOW I AM STUCK WITH THIS QUIET RICH BRAT NAMED ZAAN REHMANI.

It's dawn, anytime the sunlight will dissolve and We'll have to stop somewhere for the night, no cell phone network, the worry is eating me alive.

While this man is continuously walking, I am tired my legs will give out any time.

"Are you this queit always!" I asked him.

The forest was getting queiter by each step I took it's almost scary.

Zaan turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow, but didn't said anything and keep walking ahead. His footsteps were long strides that i couldn't keep up with.

I clenched my teeth and stopped walking behind him, he didn't noticed and walked away.

Haww! The nerves of this man, he doesn't care about anything beside himself.

I stomped my feet in anger, but my foot stomped on something which twisted my foot and I fall flat on my ass.

"Ouch!" A yelped scaped my lips. That fall hurt like a bitch duh.

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