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I was nervous, whole ride to home Zaan behaved busy in his laptop

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I was nervous, whole ride to home Zaan behaved busy in his laptop. I don't wanted him to talk about tonight either but he himself not doing it makes it more awkward for me.

We reached home, finally he looked up at me but he is THE ZAAN REHMANI, how can he not add spices over fire?

He comes closer and touched my exposed legs causing me shiver under his touch.

"We're home princess," He whispered with a smirk. Staring in my eyes.

I inhaled deeply, "I am going to take a bath, umm, see you I guess," I told him.

He looked me up to down as I exited the car and practically ran inside the house. I swear I saw him laugh from inside the car.

But I couldn't care less right now, I need to call Shahana and ask her everything I want. And I did called her as soon as I entered Zaan's room.

She picked up on the third ring, "HanHan, how did you called me so late? Everything is okay?" She asked in a conserned voice.

I flipped my gaze to the digital clock, sure enough it was almost midnight. "Yeah I-everything is fine, I just wanted your help," I said tensing on each word.

"Umm? Yeah sure jf I can I will help you, tell me what is it?" She said.

I bit down on my lips, "I know you don't like talking about it, but can I ask you questions about your -um your first time?" I asked.

For a few minutes there was silence over the call before I heard her clearing her throat, "okay, you can. Only because you are nervous but does that means you and Zaan are going to be physical?" She asked but she doesn't sounds excited to share details about her.

"I don't know maybe Yes? But please answer first or he'll come," I urged her.

"Okay fine ask," She groaned.

I thought what I wanted to ask, "Is it painful? Will there bleeding? What if I don't like it? Does man like it? What am I supposed to do on my first time? And most importantly is there chances of getting pregnant?"

"HanHan, you sounds nervous as fuck," She laughed.

When I didn't responsed, she answered my questions, "Yeah it's a little painful if your partner is not making you relaxed first. Sometimes they bleed sometimes they don't. If you don't like it just ask him to stop. As far as I know, man do like it.

You are not supposed to do anything special, just respond to what he does it'll make easier for you. And use protection to avoid pregnancy."

I was about to ask more but sounds of footsteps made my heartbeat goes wild, "Shah, he's here I'll call you later," I said and kept the call.

The door opened just as I laid down on the bed pretending to be asleep.

Zaan entered in his full glory, sleeves rolled up, a few buttons popped open revealing his chest.

He walked up to me and laid down beside me. "So you ditched me alright."

He was teasing me, "Do you know that your voice was muffled but audible outside the door," He said making me finally look up at him.

He was staring at me intently, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer kissing my head.

"Don't worry princess, you don't want it. We won't do it. " He assured me.

I took a deep hugging him, hiding my face in his chest, " it's not like I don't want it, I am just nervous because I haven't been touched before by a man," I told him in a low voice.

A groan sounded fron the back of his throat, ''Knowing that makes me feel victorious. As if I won the world." He told me.

"Do you want me to help you relax first?" He asked.

I bit down my lips and nodded. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me pushing me gently on my back.

I kissed him back, this was easy. I love kissing him, it gives me butterflies in my stomach.

His hand reached the collar of my shirt, I started breathing faster as he opened the buttons of my shirt. I wanted to see his reaction so I stopped kissing him.

As soon as his gaze fell on my black lacy set of lingerie, he groaned. "I knew there was something when the lady didn't added an item but added something to bill. God, Hania you are a temptress."

I smiled as he looked at my body with admiration, it gave my confidence a little boost that my man like my body.

He helped me remove the shirt completely and then stared at me without touching me.

"You're beautiful baby, I can't wait to see you completely. Only God knows right now how much I want to be anything but gentle, the things I want to do to you right now? It can get ms prisoned," He said as he came closer and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

I blushed, God, I didn't knew he were a talker. But damn if I don't like it.

He started kissing me from shoulder to neck and then collar bone. Every kiss made me feel alive. He was about to unclasps my bra when I stopped him.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked with a frown.

I shaked my head, "I-can I remove your shirt?" I asked him without looking at him.

He pinched my chin and made me look at him in his eyes, "You can but stare into my eyes when you do," He said.

My lips parted to breathe, I did as he told me. Looking up at him I removed his shirt. Revealing his glamorous body covered with ink. I dropped my gaze to admire it but mistakenly my gaze dropped way too low where a bulge was forming inside his jeans.

I looked away and lightened up like a tomato. I heard him laugh."Sorry to scare you princess I can't do anything about it. It's just instinct, " He apologised pulling me against his chest.

"It's not like that. I just never encountered a situation like this before, Try to understand my reactions won't actually justify how I am feeling," I explained.

He laid me down and lies over me, "Then tell me princess, what are you feeling? What do you want?" He asked.

I looked up at him, "You, I want you."

Author's note

Who? Who wrote this? Who is she?
or he?

Well guys we don't know right? We are innocent.

See you till next 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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