•|The Chief

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Fighting! ;)

The ride to Zaan's house was a blur

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The ride to Zaan's house was a blur. I was lost in my thoughts, how quickly my world crumbled down was shocking for me. If Zaan wasn't there, I would have nowhere to go for tonight.

Zaan came to my side and opened the door for me. Glancing once at my face, He frowned, "You need not to worry baby, Everything will be alright. Just come with me inside, this your home too."

I casted a glance at his features, then at his house and heaved a sigh, "I don't think I can walk right now, I feel dizzy." I told him looking down at the pavement.

Suddenly two strong pair of arms picked me into their embrace, Zaan closed the door with his foot as he started taking me inside.

I putted my head on his shoulder, finally getting relaxed. Zaan calls his building of a house a home, but right now in this moment. He was my home.

The realisation hit me hard that in the short time we've been together, Zaab have make a huge part of himself in my life. Maybe I was even falling for him.

But it can't be possible right? To love someone so soon? Maybe I mistook my attachment and attraction for love?-

"Hania?" His voice took me out of my train of thoughts.

I shaked my head to clear my thoughts, "Yeah?"

"You didn't replied to me," He said narrowing his eyes at me, opening the door of a king-size bedroom.

I looked around trying to remember what he had asked just now. I failed miserably, "I didn't heard you, my mind was not here."

He placed me on the centre of the huge comfortable bed, then he removed his watch placing it on the bedside table.

"It's okay baby, I was asking what do you want to eat. I'll cook it up for you," He asked gazing at me intently.

I felt myself blush, his eyes are enough to make me forget everything.

Clearing my throat, I asked him, "You know how to cook?"

He raised a brow in a questioning manner, His expression screaming 'Are you doubting my skills?'

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing, "okay, I am in the mood of a good spaghetti with meatballs, do you think you can handle that?" I asked in a challenging manner.

He smirked as he leaned over me, so close that our lips were almost touching and just like that my heart sped up again and I forgot how to breathe.

"You're in mood of that only? I can handle more than that," He whispered peering into my eyes.

I licked my lips to moisture them, He saw the moment and huffed a smile. He leaned and palmed my neck, kissing my forehead. I sigh in relief, all the tension draining from my body.

Then he stood up snatching his warmth from me, "If you want you can take a bath and change into whatever you find comfortable in my wardrobe. I will prepare our dinner downstairs, alright?" He asked me with a tiniest hint of smile I've ever seen on him.

I smiled back and nodded, "okay."

He walked out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Looking around the room it was beautiful. The wall were white and the ceiling and floor was black. A few photo frames were hanging on the wall behind the bed. A pair of couch, study table, windows with curtains and a few things here and there completed the look of the room. It was huge.

After I was done with my assessment of Zaan's room. I quickly took a shower, dried my hair and walked into his wardrobe. Nothing except his white shirt was fit for me. Not even a lower pants. I pulled on his shirt and it was large enough to reach my knees so I thought it's okay.

Walking out of his room, I spent another five minutes trying to find his kitchen. When I did god it was a sight.

Zaan was arranging the meals for us on the dining table and god, does he look sexy.

"The food look delicious," I commented from afar.

His gaze snapped at me and stopped whatever he was doing. He looked me from head to toe and then back. If I was not mistaken, something sort of hunger flashed in his features before he quickly composed himself.

"It indeed looks delicious, hope it's delicious in taste as well," He said pulling out a seat for me.

Did he just flirted with me? I felt myself lighten up like tomato.

He sat infront of me, "Have a taste, it's not bad I assure you." He smirked knowingly.

I smiled and digged inside the food.

Author's note

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