•|Good morning

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So I was thinking of naming each chapter later got any ideas??

When I woke up the next day, it was to this amazing warm feeling of being cuddled by masculine arms

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When I woke up the next day, it was to this amazing warm feeling of being cuddled by masculine arms.

I have never been cuddled before, not even my sister Heer have slept with me.

Without knowing I was smiling and shamelessly I twisted in his hold, and hugged his chest.

Zaan was asleep, atleast I thought he was until I met his gaze.

His deep intense gaze was fully awake staring straight inside my soul.

"Someone's clingy this morning," He said with a smirk.

I felt myself blush and looked down which was a big mistake because he wasn't wearing a shirt and his jeans hung a little low showcasing his abs and that manly V shape.

I immediately closed my eyes, he ofcourse noticed.

I felt him chuckle, "You are being shy like we had sex or something last night," He teased.

"Shut up!" I said quickly, my eyes widened and so does my blush.

He smirked, "Why? We're going to get married, aren't we? We'll have it together after that, then why you are so shocked?" I just knew it he was teasing me.

"Shh shh shh! You're embarassing me, We're going to get married but we aren't yet!" I whispered trying to explain him.

Within seconds I was flipped on my back, he was on top of me.

Before I can complain, he leaned way to close to my face making me speechless.

"Is that so? Because the offer I had last night says something entirely else..." He said, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I licked my lower lips, suddenly I felt my throat goes dry, why's it's too hot here?

"Wha-What offer you are talking about?" I tried to coy away from the subject.

"Oh you don't remember, maybe the call recording-which by the way is always on in my phone because of business purpose-should help you remind what offer I am talking about," He said that as a smirk took over his features.

My mouth left hanging open, I can feel the blush almost spreading hard across my face, "You don't mean that!" I inquired.

"Don't I?" He winked at me before placing a kiss on my forehead and resting back to his side.

The tension inside the room was so thick you can cut it with a knife.

Whyy Everything isss suddenly sooo hawtt??

"Um...When will we go back home?" I asked to change the subject.

And also to avoid the temperature.

"Whenever you are ready to tell your mother that you spend the night with me," He teased me, pretending to be asleep.

Without thinking, I slapped his arm lightly.

"Ouch! That hurts!" He whinned mimicking a girl.

Which caused me to laugh hysterically. It was so funny the way he made sounds like that.

"Okay Mr. Rehmani, enough of joking around please be serious for once. My mother will kill me if we told her that reason. Find a good one" I ordered him. My tone slightly resembles that of a boss.

I like the sound of it, Boss of Mr. Zaan Rehmani. Hehe.

"Just tell her the truth, and get ready I have buisness to attend to," He answered me in a bored tone and with that he climbed out of the bed leaving the bed empty and warm in his awake.

Also leaving me to think what to do next... Well! What can I say? Life sucks.

Author's Note

Shamelessly back and posting!
Roger that👉👈

Shamelessly back and posting!Roger that👉👈

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