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I got as ready as I can to face my mom,  despite my better judgements, I know what is going to happen

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I got as ready as I can to face my mom, despite my better judgements, I know what is going to happen.

"Are you sure you want to come inside with me?" I asked Zaan. He doesn't look even slightly afraid of my mom. If anything his face is screaming 'bring it on'.

Typical men!

"Yeah, and please be quick I can't stand here all day," He said as he walked inside my house.

I followed him, I can hear my mom and my sister in an argument from here even. They had their focus on me as soon as I stepped inside.

"There she is!" My mom taunted with the gesture of her hand.

Zaan stayed quiet as he watched the scene unwrap. So does Heer, who gave me a sympathetic look.

"Where were you all night? You could not as much as make a call to inform us atleast?!" My mom yelled at me.

I looked at her and fiddled with my dress, "Mom I- my phone got discharged," I lied.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Discharge he hua tha na, Charge krleti nahi to kisi ke phone se call krleti," She said.

(your phone was discharged only right, you could have charged it or you could have called by someone else phone,)

I looked down and just listen to her fuss.

"Where were you all night?" She asked me.

I looked at Zaan, "I was with him," I told her in a low voice.

My mom haven't noticed until now that Zaan was standing there too. She looked at him and then at me before realisation take place in her features.

"You spent your night with him??? Alone " She asked me as she came closer.

I just nodded not believing myself not to stutter if I speaked.

She frowned, "You are such a disgrace, you are shamelessly standing here infront of me??! " She yelled.

Raising her hand to hit me, I flinched, expecting the hit. Only it never came.

Opening my eyes they only got widden. Zaan had my mom's hand in a grip as he stood between us.

"I would advise you better not raise your hand on my fiance again. Or the circumstances won't be pleasent. " Zaan threatened my mom.

My heart speed up, this is far worse then I expected.

My mom looked at him then at me, "Fine, I won't. Actually, I have no relation with this disgrace anymore. She won't be living in my house. Take her with you wherever you want, " She announced.

Heer and I passed a look. It was serious this time. I was shocked to my very core that my mother disowned me just like that? So easily, without even asking anything?

"Oh Mrs. Khan, I will. My future wife will obviously go with me. She got her home with me, she doesn't need someone's house who think so little of her." Zaan speaked up, for the first time I saw some kind of emotion in his facade. It resembles care. For me?

I don't know that, what I know is that I will forever grateful for what he did today.

My mother didn't said anything. Zaan turned to me and hold me by my arm. Dragging me out with him.

I glanced one last time at the place I once thought as home. Before I was in the car and Zaan drove away with me, leaving everything behind that I once thought was mine.

Author here!

Shamelessly posting a turner point again!

Shamelessly posting a turner point again!

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