•|Kiss by Chance?

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In the midst of our bickering, I could feel my irritation mounting with each word that Abeer flung my way

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In the midst of our bickering, I could feel my irritation mounting with each word that Abeer flung my way. It was like he had a knack for pushing my buttons, and I was not about to back down. As we continued to trade insults, the car rolled on, the landscape outside gradually shifting from the bustling city to a more serene and secluded setting.

"Whoa, looks like we've ventured into the wilderness," I remarked, momentarily distracted by the change in scenery.

Abeer glanced out the window, his lips curving into a mischievous grin. "Well, Kitni badiya place ha na gum hojane ke liye, do aise logo ke liye jinme dimaag ki kami hai?"

(Well isn't this a perfect place for two 'not-so-smart' individuals to get lost?)

I groaned, realizing that he was seizing the opportunity to taunt me further. "Ugh, Sachii me! Bus band karde ab apni bakwaas"

(Ugh, seriously? Can you stop it with the insults already?)

He chuckled, his playful demeanor more apparent than ever. "Come on, Heer. Don't tell me you're afraid of a little adventure."

"Adventure? This isn't some cheesy romantic movie, Abeer," I retorted, rolling my eyes at his audacity.

As the car continued along a narrow path, I noticed that the fuel gauge was dangerously close to empty. Panic crept in, and I turned to Abeer with a furrowed brow. "Hey, did you notice the fuel? It's almost empty."

Abeer glanced at the gauge, feigning surprise. "Oh, I didn't realize. Guess we'll have to find a gas station soon."

But soon enough, the engine sputtered to a halt, and we found ourselves stranded on the side of the road, surrounded by dense trees and the sounds of nature.

I sighed, my annoyance growing, and we both stepped out of the car to assess the situation.

I sighed, my annoyance growing, and we both stepped out of the car to assess the situation

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"This is just great," I muttered under my breath.

Abeer shrugged, his expression surprisingly calm. "Well, we can't just stand here. Let's see if there's a gas station nearby or someone who can help."

As we walked through the forest, the ground uneven beneath our feet, I couldn't shake off the sense of unease. The trees seemed to loom over us, their branches casting eerie shadows. Suddenly, my foot slipped on a patch of damp leaves, and I would have fallen if not for Abeer's quick reflexes. He reached out and pulled me towards him, our bodies colliding.

For a moment, we were locked in an awkward and intimate embrace. My heart raced, both from the sudden movement and the unexpected closeness. As I looked up at Abeer, our eyes locked, and time seemed to stand still. His playful facade had vanished, replaced by a genuine intensity that I couldn't quite decipher.

Then, before I could react, his footsteps slipped, his lips brushed against mine in a fleeting and accidental kiss.

Then, before I could react, his footsteps slipped, his lips brushed against mine in a fleeting and accidental kiss

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My heart thudded loudly in my chest, and I pulled away, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"You stole my first kiss!" I blurted out, my voice echoing through the quiet forest.

Abeer's eyes widened in disbelief, his face turning a shade of red that was oddly endearing. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to-"

I puffed my cheeks in frustration. "Ugh, seriously? Could this day get any worse?"

Abeer chuckled, the tension in the air easing as he grinned playfully. "Come on, Heer. Admit it, you enjoyed that just a little bit."

I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. "Don't flatter yourself, Abeer. It was a total accident."

As we continued to banter, it became clear that we were indeed lost in the forest. The situation have take a comical turn that I hadn't anticipated. Abeer's confidence and lightheartedness were infectious, and despite the circumstances, I found myself laughing at his antics.

"Looks like we're in for quite an adventure after all," Abeer remarked, his playful grin never fading.

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a smile. "Yeah, an adventure that I didn't sign up for."

Abeer's presence made the forest less intimidating. Despite our differences, there was an undeniable chemistry between us.


Author's Note:

And that's a wrap for this chapter! What did you think of Heer and Abeer's unexpected forest adventure? What could possibly happen next?

As always, I'm incredibly grateful for all the love and support from my amazing readers. Your feedback means the world to me! Don't forget to show your support by voting and leaving your thoughts in the comments. Stay tuned for more updates and surprises.

Until next time! ❤️

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