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I scratch a bite mark on my hand as I sit in my senior literature class. The room is quiet, nothing but the sound of scribbling pencils. Our teacher assigned us a ten page description on how love can be destructive.

Kind of dumb if you ask me. From the looks of it, Ms. Tarantino looks like she woke up after being in a coma. Her hair is not in her regular tight bun and her clothing are sweat pants and a tank top. Not really her type of clothing.

She stares into space with a depressed look as she sits in her leather chair.

While I continue to observe her, the bell breaks me from my train of thought. Everyone bolts out of their chair and scurries to the door.

"Remember your assignment! I want it by Monday!" Ms. Tarantino yells in our direction. Not leaving her spot on the chair. I thank her before leaving behind the others. The halls are filled with different types of teenagers. Ones fighting to leave first and others talking near their lockers.

I continue to scratch the bite mark on my hand as a bump forms. Observing the mark, I decide it's time to take a trip to the nurses office.

With school being over for the week, I assume the nurse won't be in for much longer. Pushing my way past students to inch forward towards the nurses door, I trip over someone's foot almost losing my balance. My hands push the nurses door to keep me from falling.

A few students leave the room, one holding the door open for me with a confused facial expression. I smile at her before entering. There Ms. Krane sits, typing on her computer.

I slowly walk towards her, not wanting to disrupt her until she's done.

"Have a seat." She says not looking up at me.

"Oh okay." A seat on the other side of her desk awaits me. I slowly sit down waiting patiently as I play with the hems of my shirt. The air begins to feel thick from the silence. Almost unbearable.

"What's wrong?" She speaks up, making me sit straighter.I rub the bite mark on my hand before speaking.

"I have a bite one my arm and it's starting to swell. I was wondering if you have anything I can use to help the swelling?" She grabs my hand and puts on her glasses to inspect the bite. Her thumbs creases the forming bump and pushes down on it- making me wince slightly.

"How long have you had this?"

"Well, I've had it since last night. I went on a collage tour and after I walked out, i found this bite on my hand." She hums and shakes her head before letting go of my hand.

"It's nothing serious. Just a spider bite. Seems like nothing poisonous so you should be fine."

"Great thank you so much. I really appreciate it!" Ms. Krane nods at me before typing away again.

"If it gets worse just let me know."

"Will do! "

It's almost as if everyone is out today. The sun shines down showing off the building of Brooklyn. A few people set up stands on the sidewalks to sell their work. A woman probably in her late 50s or early 60s sits in a chair with a table full of earrings. She practically lives there, I see her almost everyday in the same spot.

A local coffee shop is the end of my destination. The bell rings above me warning my presence.

A brown haired boy looks up from above the counter he works at with a smile.

"Y/n, hey! What brings you here?" He says as I walk towards the counter to examine the menu on the wall.

"Kinda feeling a little out of it so I decided to come here and get a coffee. Also to pester my friend." He laughs and turns around to start the coffee process. Knowing what I like since this is not my first time here. Also we have known eachother since middle school. He knows everything about me. I smile watching him.

The coffee shop is quiet. Nothing but us two. However, outside is a much different story. People walk by the door while cars drive by, honking every few seconds.

"There you go." He hands me the creamy based coffee.

"Thank you, Peter."

"Of course, come back anytime." I nod and start to head towards the door before he stops me.

"Hey, if you want tomorrow I have off and I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me around three or so? They have a new comic I want to check out." My cheeks turn slightly pink at the sudden offer. It's not like we never go out together. But since last month, I'm starting to have feelings for him.

"Ye-yeah for sure! Can I meet you here?" The mall is only a ten minute walk from here. Just a few blocks from where we stand. He nods and I open the door to leave. "Alright see you tomorrow!"

"See ya!"

My heart slightly races taking In a deep breath to calm myself.

The mall huh?

We only ever hang out near a park or one of our houses. Which I would say is just as scary as walking into a mall together. Maybe I'm overthinking it.


I throw the coffee out before searching for me keys in my bag. The keys jingle as I look for the right one to open my apartment door. When I do find it, a sudden dizziness unsteadies me as I rock back and forth to keep me up.

What the...

I open my door and set my backpack on the couch near the tv before walking towards my room slowly.

"How was school?" My mom asks me from the kitchen. Her m/h/c hair was in a messy bun and she wore her professional work clothing. She must've just gotten back from her job as a journalist.

"Good, long." I fake a smile, the pain in my head getting worse. My body inches towards my door across the kitchen before she stops me with her words once again.

"Long? How so?" My anger is hidden as I turn to look at her. "Just a lot of homework. I have to finish it before school on Monday." What a lame excuse. However, she just nods and takes out a jug of orange juice from the refrigerator. The sound of the liquid vibrates in my ear, increasing the pain. I wince slightly. "Alright good luck. Also after you're done, take a shower. You're sweating like a dog. Did you run here?" She laughs. I feel my forehead dripping with sweat.

It catches me off guard as I feel the beads of sweat going down the side of my head. "Oh....yeah. I need the....exercise," again, a horrible excuse. She fell for it though. "Bye mom! Love you!"

"Bye y/n. Love you."

My body stumbles towards the door and I fall face first into my bed- letting my eyes close as I groan. After tossing and turning for what seems to be like forever, I fall asleep.

I don't realize the changes occurring at this moment. The changes that will impact me forever and the people I love.

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now