Dark Garfield

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The door opened slowly. My heart began to beat harder, realizing whose home this was.

"After you." Miguel motions his hand for me inside.

I hesitated at the door. It's been too long since I've stepped foot in this house. Too long.

"Won't this disrupt a canon event if my mother wakes up and sees me?"

"No, but it wouldn't do you and your mother good."

I nod, picking my feet up and entering the house. It was dark and familiar. I could tell through the darkness of night that the small kitchen connected to the living room was clean. My mom's room was connected to mine. It took every ounce of me to stop myself from running into her room and embracing her with a hug.

"Where your room?" Miguel whispered behind me. I flinched, realizing Miguel O'Hara was in my house!

I've only had one guy at my house, and that was Peter. Having Miguel here made me feel vulnerable. Even though we were living in the same vicinity, it still felt weird he is in my house. My real house.

"Miguel, just stay here. This won't take long." I nudge his chest, unable to reach his broad shoulders and walk towards my room.

Miguel however, didn't listen. He tip toed behind me which ticked me off slightly. Watching my step, I make my way down the small hall where three doors stand side by side. On the far left was the bathroom. Mom was on the right and mine was in the middle.

My door was creaked open. A luminous light shined through it, exposing half of the hall. Stopping in front of the door, I cautiously listened for any noise. Specifically my mom.

That's when Miguel's large body bumped into mine, sending me off balance. His hand caught my waist, pulling me up to his chest before I fell.

The whole world around me became a mess. It felt like I was twirling at a thousand miles per hour. Miguel's hands were on me! Not on anyone else's! Just me. I could feel the warmth of his rhythmic chest alongside my back. His heart escalated just like mine. It made me want to laugh. However, the fear of waking my mom took me out of a daze.

"Jesus Miguel, how come you're the clumsy one now?"

"I wasn't being clumsy. You stopped out of nowhere." He whispered-shouted, letting go of my waist.

Rolling my eyes, I walk inside my room. My small turtle night light I was given on my tenth birthday light up section of my room. My bed side was dark and neglected. Nothing had changed, everything was still a mess. An embarrassing mess. Glancing at Miguel, my cheeks began to burn.

This is just great.

I kept an extra backpack in my closet that was near the only window I had. It exposed the other building around us, nothing great.

Grabbing my backpack, I took think my mother wouldn't realize were missing and things I needed. Socks, shirts, pants, underwear, bras, hell even jumbo pads. All in front of Miguel.

He wasn't even looking at me. He scanning the area, taking in my childhood room. I chuckled to myself, looking around for other items I could take.

"What about this?" Miguel holds up a photo of me, my mom, Peter, and May. We all smiled at the camera for our first day of high school. Peter's cheeky face next to mine while my mom and May made funny faces. However, my mom would notice it was missing. It was on my book shelf beside my closet. No doubt she would know I was here.

Slumping my shoulder I turn away from Miguel, pretending to look for other things. "No thanks."

"Why not?"

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now