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     "Wake up y/n, it's time to head out." Peter shakes my shoulders in an attempt to wake me up. I lay on my chest, burying myself further in the pillow.

     "Already?" I groan out.

     "Yes, get up get up or Miguel will come in here."

    I scoff, "that's unlikely." Peter ignores my comments and pulls the covers off me. I shiver at the sudden change of temper, half desperately reaching for the blanket in his hand's.

    "You got five minutes. See you soon." He closes the door, taking my blanket with him. I sit upright and stretch out my back.

      My suit lays on the black chair across my bed. It's upper half dangling from the back side of the chair.

   Letting out a long breath, I groggily walk over.

    The thought of last night never left my mind. In fact, I'm slightly embarrassed. But even worse, I'm proud.

     Did he mean what he said last night? That he had some sort of feelings for me but they would never matter since it's not our fate?

      Ah, it's not something to worry about that right now or at all. I've said what I said, did what I did. Now, only time will tell.

      I scurry out of my room with my mask above my eyes. It's already been five minutes if not more. You would think putting on a one piece would be easy work....its not.

     "You been taken your time I see?" Jessica's voice echos beside me. I turn to see her walking at my side. Her belly as swollen as ever.

     "Nice to see you too Jessica." It's been a few months since we last spoke. She's been in and out of HQ.

     "I see you've been keepin' busy." She says to which I chuckle.

    "Define busy."

     HQ seems awfully busier today. Spiders walk in every directions. Some have to crawl under walkways just to get to their destination.

      "I have some business here to take care of. So, I won't be joining you today." I turn my head towards her feeling little hope leave me.

     "Oh come one, it's been forever since you've been on a mission with us. Time to get back in the game!" She chuckles and shakes her head.

     We enter a room filled where they keep villains from other dimensions confined. Margo, is the one to send most of them back. I've never seen how they do it. However, when Margo has time, she goes over what technology behind it.

      Peter and Miguel face away from Jessica and me. They whisper to one another before noticing our presence. I feel my body tingle, not from my spider senses, but seeing Miguel less than ten hours ago.

     They both turn around with opposite expressions. "Took you long enough. We were about to leave you." Peter hangs one hand over my shoulder and pulls me in for a short hug. I chuckle awkwardly.

     "That's nice, Peter."

      My eyes meet Miguel's stern ones. He stands at a distant with both hands behind his back.

     I try to come up with something to say, anything!

    "Ready?" Miguel asks me. My eyes flicker, showing my shock. He gives me a small yet forceful smile.


    Peter absorbs the tension before shrugging it off.

    Looking around, I notice it's just us three. Knitting my brows together in confusion, I look back at Miguel. "Where's the others?"

     "In their home dimension. It's just us today." He confirms.

Out of all days!

"Okay that's fine, we can manage with thr-"

A ringtone plays in my right ear. Peter jolts up and reaches into the side of his suit. He pulls out a small 2007 flip phone.

"Since when did you have pockets?" I ask, doubting my own intelligence to install pockets on my suit.

"Since Mayday was born. Gotta always have my phone on me since she likes to get in trouble a lot."

"Huh, understandable." I nod my head and glance at Miguel who watches Peter with a disturbed expression.

Peter puts the phone to his ear and turns away from us. "Hello, Peter Parker speaking."

A woman on the other side can be hearing screaming in anger. This woman is not MJ, I can't think of a time she ever yelled in anger.

He slightly pulls the phone away from his ear and lets out a sigh.

"Alright I'll be there in ten minutes. Tell Mayday to be a good girl while she's waiting."

Peter turns and looks at us. My heart skips a beat. Now Peter is leaving, no!

"Sorry guys, Mayday got into some trouble in daycare today. Since MJ has a public speech around this time, I have to get her. Soooo, good luck!"

He starts to open a portal to which I yell out, "w-wait you can't just leave us."

He gives me a reassuring smile. "You'll be just fine kiddo. I'll be back before you know it!" With that he leaves with the portal soon closing.

My body tightens in distress. "Come on." Miguel orders. Without hesitation, I do as told. Being stuck with the man I feel so in love with is a dream come true. However, I can't forget the fact we are so close yet so far away from each other.

Ugh someone kill me now...probably not the best thing to say now.

I knock on the closes piece of wood to veto my statement said in my head.

Miguel looks at me with a puzzling look. "What was that for?" I jolt up, finding an answer.

Knocking once more I say, "just making sure it's strong wood, heh."

He stares at me silently; not taking any of my crap. Seeing the light in his eyes -if there is light- makes me feel the same tingly sensation running up my spine.

"Whatever, we have important business today." He begins to walk, nodding in the direction he's going for me to follow. "Today, we are facing an interdimensional Italian Renaissance-themed version of the Vulture."

"Oo, sounds like fun."

"Quite the opposite. We don't have time to lose. Once we are there we need to get him confined. Also, him seeing color will potentially destroy a canon event. Keep him away from the city lights. Got it?" His stern voice always makes me feel disinterested on the topic.

"Got it. But don't you think that will make him feel a little blue." I give a cringy smile as he stares at me with dissatisfaction. After a few seconds, I notice his lip curl in a faint smile.

"Ah," i point at his curled smile. "Is that a smile I see?"

Turning away from me, he opens a portal. "cállate."

Author notes: this could either go very bad or very good in the end. Either way, I'm making it up as I go. Hopefully you guys are liking it as much as I am. I'll repost again soon, I'm not very good with once a week updates apparently. So, you might get one every few weeks or three chapters the same week. Who knows 😂

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now