Change of heart

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I open my eyes to see a large field covered in dandelions. Definitely not where I expected to open my eyes too. The cold breeze moves through my hair, giving my comfort.

Looking around in confusion, I come across a willow tree in the middle of the field.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I yell out. The pain I felt from before vanishes and is replaced with the pleasurably warm sun on my face. Walking up to the tree; I call out once more.

The tree is larger than I expected. It's thick leaves and healthy bark; reminding me of home. How the willows trees in my back yard would dance in the breeze. How Peter would climb with me to the very top and watch the sunset.

I touch the bark, grazing my finger tips across the rough edges. It feels just a remember. It makes me miss home...and Peter.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice calls my name behind me. I twist around, facing eyes I never thought I would meet again.


My heart begins to quicken to the point I feel it's about to explode.

He seems unfazed, like he was expecting me. I run towards him, embracing him into a hug as the tears I held for so long leave me. Peter tightens his arms around me, feeling just as much longness.

"I thought you were dead." I choke out, feeling his embrace release. Looking him in his eyes, he gives me a sad smile.

"I am y/n."

I shake my head in disbelief. He's right here, right now! He can't be dead. Not unless...I am. "N-no you're not because that would mea-"

"For now you are." The words he spoke give me a million reasons of wanting to live. I want to live. I don't wanna die, not yet! What about helping Miles? What about Miguel?

"For now?"

Peter chuckles, turning around to walk across the field. I stand bewildered before running up to him. There isn't much to say except I missed him. But why does this feel so different than what I expected. Not that I ever thought I would actually see him again. But the scenes I made up in my head kept me sane.

"Peter, where are we going." The field goes on for miles. If anything we will be going nowhere but another area in the field.

"Do you know why you were chosen instead of me?" His eyes remain looking in front of him while mine stay on him. "It's because you have something I don't."

I scoff, looking at my palms. "And what is that?"

Meeting his eyes, he comes to a halt. "The ability to change fate, y/n. It might not look like it now, but you weave the webs you make. And to top it off, you don't shy away from protecting those who need it." Peter's eyes never cease to amaze me. I miss looking into those warm eyes. "Shifting other people's fates can be risky. But I know in the end you'll make the right choice."

"You think so?" I'm not even too sure myself. With everyone against the idea of saving Miles dad, I feel vulnerable. No one is with me. Not even older Peter. Hell, I think Hobie left. And Gwen...well even Miles best friend is against him.

Peter gives me a reassuring smile, continuing his walk. "I know so."

I feel our time slimming; like something is tugging my vision. My body begins to shake as the tunnel vision kicks in. "Peter?" Seeing the tears stream down his face, I can tell it's time. But I'm not ready. Not again. Please not again. "Peter, I'm scared." I choke out, holding myself up.

He pulls me in for another embrace, quivering. "I'll be here always. Just keep moving forward y/n." His voice becomes an echo distancing further and further away even though I'm holding him. "With great power comes great responsibility. Now it's time to let go."

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now