New leaf

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We enter HQ like any other day. People in their distinctive suits make way towards their destination, not giving a second glance at us.

I glimpse at Gwens astonished expression. Her lips part and her eyes widen in amazement. A sense of warmth hits me, remembering how I felt when I first entered HQ. Then...I turn towards Miguel who makes his way towards his lab. He was so adamant to keep Gwen in her own dimension knowing her life would be ruined and in danger with her identity being out.

"This is amazing." Gwen says, scanning every inch of HQ's fascinating world. I chuckle, shaking off an uneasiness. Gwens past emotions still linger, but this time with satisfaction and peace as she enters a whole new world.

"Hey!" I hear Pavitr voice behind me. He waves his arms in the air to get my attention and exposes his ckeekish smile.

"Pavitr? Why are yo- aren't you supposed to be in your dimension?" Gwen and I stop to talk while Miguel carries on his way. I glance at his shrinking body as he emerges with a large group of people.

"Gayatri has family plans today, leaving me to do nothing. So I decided to come work on my day off."

I chuckle, "There's never a day off when you are spider man."

"That I agree." Gwen pitches in. Pavitr turns his eyes towards hers, scanning her head to toe. Gwen stand confidently, probably doing the same to him.

"Y/n you didn't tell me we got a new crew member."

"That's because she just got here."

"Im Gwen." She gives him a reassuring smile and extends out her hand.

"Pavitr...Pavitr Prabhakar. Nice to meet you!" I watch them with a smile.

Feeling a swish of negativity hit me, I turn my head the direction Miguel left. I frown, crossing my arms as I find myself in deep thought. Somethings aren't adding up anymore. First, it was his absence for months and now apparently he's half vampire? Is it so hard to know the truth?

Im going to figure out if it is the last thing I do.

"Hey, Y/n is it?" I break out of my thoughts and turn towards Gwen. She must've noticed me disconnecting from the conversation.

"Yeah, that's right. I would say one and only but I don't think that's quite right." She chuckles.

Looking back towards the hallway, I start to walk away. "Hey, Pavitr, will you show Gwen around? I need to go do something real quick."

He tilts his head but smiles. "Sure!" Gesturing Gwen away, I nod a simple thank you to him.

The two minute walk gave me enough time to slow my heart down. Every conversation I have with Miguel ends up the same way. One of us getting mad at the other or being rudely interrupted mostly by Peter. But, he's not here to intervene this time.

I walk the same halls everyday, but still second guess if Im going the right way. the back hallway towards Miguels lab contains impressive engineering in working progress. My hands grip my mask as I reach the threshold of Miguels lab. He stands on his elevated workshop, quickly noticing my presence.

"Miguel? Can we talk?" I project my voice loud enough for him to hear.

"About?" He yells back.

"Abou- oh this isn't going to work." I whisper to myself at the thought of me straining my voice for him to hear me all the way up their. "Can you just come down...please."

The station lowers ever so slowly. Still looking at his computer, I move my eyes around the room. What's feels like years were mere seconds.

Once he reaches the ground, I let out a small sigh of disappointment. "Were you ever going to tell me you're a littoral vampire? That you actually eat peoples faces off"

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now