Sling shot

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"I can't find him." I tell Peter over the gauntlet. He groans in agony to which I can see through the small screen. 

"His brother still very much capable to use his power. Lucky for us, he's not a runner. Find his brother and do the best your can to separate them." Peter orders.

       I nod and end the call before continuing my search. Cop cars block off road entrees and clear the roads, unaware of me swinging above them. A tingly sensation I know all to well mixes up in my stomach. Creating a wave of urgency as I take in my surroundings. 

      Hobie comes falling out of a tall building. My heart stops as he continues to fall, unconsciously, or at least I hope. I hurriedly swing over and grab him by his waist before he meets the ground. People gasp from under us as they watch us disappear yet again. 

      "Hobie can you hear me?" 

       I wait for his response, that never comes. He has a pulse, meaning he was knocked out cold. 

       "You're okay now, Hobie. Just wa-"

       My body warns me of a incoming attacker. One of the brothers teleports in front of my, sending a fist into my rib cage. Every ounce breath leaves my lungs as I lose my grip on my web.

      Still holding onto Hobie, the twin grabs me by my neck and throws my into a building. Hobie and Into an empty office. Cry out in pain, I sit up and stare at a piece of glass in my leg. "Dammit!" 

      The twin teleports inside of the office, towing over us. "Ouch, that must hurt." He says with hostility. I clench my teeth, trying to cover up my pain. He kneels down and closes his hand around the thick piece of glass. "Here, let me help." Without sparing another second, he rips it out and watches me scream in pain.

      Blood pours out of the wound at a rapid rate. He lets out a devilish laugh, feeling satisfied with his doing. 

      "That ain't very nice mate." Hobie says groggily. He holds his ribs and stands up clumsy. I stare at him with relief, not because he's about to save my ass but because he's okay, Kinda.

      I try to catch my breath before regaining my strength to stand. The twin looks at Hobie with anger as he meets his height. "What you going to do about it." 

       Hobie was already in his grey aura. If anyone knew what that meant, it would be me. Hobie smirks and steadies himself to fight. A fight that never comes. The man glitches, feeling his body break down in pain. He falls to the ground with a cry. 

       I stagger up and brush off the emend pain I am currently feeling. Hobie on the other hand wastes no time to web him up. 

      "Hurry we need to get him away from here as fast as possible before he regains composure." Hobie demands. 

        "I have an idea." I say with a tired smile. Before I could wait for his response, I quickly shoot my webs on opposite sides of the building walls. He watches in confusion, still holding onto the glitching twin. 

      Once done, I limp back to see a full on sling shot web. "Hell yeah." I cheer. Hobie raises an eye brow at me. "We will sling shot ourselves to the opposite side of town in a matter of seconds. Trust me it's a lot faster...and funner." 

      He thinks for a second before being interrupted by the groans of the twin in his arms. "Fine."

      I smile and stand in the middle of the sling shot before pulling it back. "Hurry up!" I yell.

      He holds the man by the webs that surround him and walk towards me. "alright on the count of three." He says courteously, I could practically feel his anxiety. "One two th-"

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now