Three months later

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       It's been three months since my Peters death. Nothing much has changed besides learning how to swing on a web and a couple fighting techniques. That's all thanks to Peter.

     My room looks more like a room. Jessica has given me some new clothing along with a pair of white sneakers.

      I see the crew almost everyday. Pavitr talks nonstop about his "MJ," while Peter fixed his relationship with his. Hobie never talks about his personal life unless it's the obvious things. Like, being in a rock band and getting piercing when he was young.

    And for Miguel....well that's a whole other story. A long one too.

       "I need bigger cables." Margo- a cyber crime fighter that spends her time in the spider verse says. I met her the first month of being here, she helped show me around more. Makeing me feel more at home.

     "I think they are in the back somewhere. Let me go check." I say, running towards the room filled with high class technology. The room contains multiple computers. In front of the room is a man made spider that hangs from a web. It helps take other spiders to their home earth. I've only seen a few leave that way.

     Two large cables lay on the long metal table on the far left. I jog over to grab one and head back towards Margo.

      "Ah, thanks." She says, bending over and plugging the cable to one of her mysterious machine and the to her computer. The machine is small and round- almost like a bowling ball.

     "What is that?" I ask, backing away due to Margo distance from the machine.

      "You'll see. Barno on." Two robotic eye light up, showing the machine coming to life. It brings its body up, hovering before us.

     I stare in astonishment as it examines us. "Hello, my name is Barno. How may I assist you today?" It's robotic voice asks.

     "Cool right." She laughs, getting closer to Barno.

    "Yeah but...Barno?"

     She shrugs her shoulder. "Why not?"

      "Good point."

      "Barno, what is my heart rate at?" Margo asks to test the machinery.

     It takes a moment to respond. "68 beats per minute. Healthy and strong!"

     "Do I have any bruises or injuries?" He scans her body before processing the information.

      "No fresh injuries. Although, you have a bruise on your left leg the size of a courter. It's about three days old and should be fully healed in the next two."

     "That's insane!" I cheer as I watch in awe. The chip connected to her computer will help collect data the machine analyzes. Everything Barno has collected from Margo is not in that chip.

     "It needs a lot of work. Like, collecting data without a cable attached to it." She says, crossing her arms and thinking deeply. I shrug and pat her on the back.

     "Looks pretty cool right now. Keep it up." She smiles watching the droid float.

     "Whoa that's cool!" Pavitr runs in. We both turn to him, watching his fully mask body stop in front of us.

     "I don't know how your girlfriend doesn't know who you are by your voice yet. It's so obvious." I greet. He takes off his mask- showing his long and black curls.

     "That's because I use my hero voice around her."

     "Hero voice." Margo scoffs as I laugh. His brows knit slightly.

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now